Title: The Yellow Quiz
Genre: Casual
Modern Alchemy
Modern Alchemy
Release Date: 16 Apr, 2019
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Overall a good quiz game. Combines gambling and knowing stuff in a nice way. Even though the target audience is probably adults my son started crying like a Fiat 500 b*tch when i told him to go to bed after playing it with us. Already felt my IQ increase a little after playing it for an hour even though it's quite high already (the IQ). Oh and you'll need your phone to play it.. It's pretty polished for Early Access, but there aren't that many questions except for the classical Quiz.. Overall a good quiz game. Combines gambling and knowing stuff in a nice way. Even though the target audience is probably adults my son started crying like a Fiat 500 b*tch when i told him to go to bed after playing it with us. Already felt my IQ increase a little after playing it for an hour even though it's quite high already (the IQ). Oh and you'll need your phone to play it.. It's pretty polished for Early Access, but there aren't that many questions except for the classical Quiz.
New Quiz mode added! : Added a new racing Quiz Game. Cars are steered via Gyroscope and Questions are answered by driving through the right Gate! Also added 200 new questions.. Bugfixing & Polish : Some minor bugfixes and made the racing game more playable.. Update: Background Music and minor improvements : Added background music and improved some minor annoyances in Multiple Choice-Mode. With that out of the way work on the next Quiz Mode has started.
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