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The Rabbit Hole Remastered Free Offline

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About This Game

Now fully remastered with new graphics & lighting! Also includes full support for both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift!

Solve puzzles to find your way 5d3b920ae0

Title: The Rabbit Hole Remastered
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Strategy
Release Date: 26 May, 2017

English,French,Italian,German,Japanese,Simplified Chinese

the rabbit hole remastered

Not taking into account the low price, but looking at this game as something that will consume your precious time, I cannot recommend this. The good: - graphics are not bad - nice ambient sound and music - spooky atmosphere - potentially a good story? The bad: - text on screen while playing with things like "the door is locked, you will need a key" - inventory needs to be accessed by pressing A or B on your gamepad (says another text message), but I'm playing with Vive controllers.. Not taking into account the low price, but looking at this game as something that will consume your precious time, I cannot recommend this. The good: - graphics are not bad - nice ambient sound and music - spooky atmosphere - potentially a good story? The bad: - text on screen while playing with things like "the door is locked, you will need a key" - inventory needs to be accessed by pressing A or B on your gamepad (says another text message), but I'm playing with Vive controllers.. Ever since I've heard of VR I wondered what would it be like to play an escape the room on it. I don't have to wonder anymore and the game is simply amazing! The art is fantastic and the puzzles are great.. This game is not constructed coherently. You need cake and small potion, but if you use it up, you can't get any more. I tried to redo the puzzle where I got more small potion, but it kicked out half way into the table so I couldn't pick it up, and that was the end of that. No more potion, but you obviously need it to complete the game. Life's too short for buggy crap. Avoid.. This game is not constructed coherently. You need cake and small potion, but if you use it up, you can't get any more. I tried to redo the puzzle where I got more small potion, but it kicked out half way into the table so I couldn't pick it up, and that was the end of that. No more potion, but you obviously need it to complete the game. Life's too short for buggy crap. Avoid.. At its core Rabbit Hole is an escape the room in an alice in wonderland environment. To be frank I'm a bit jaded because I am an alice fanatic and one of my dream games is an alice in vr. Trying to divorce myself from my bias, the game is rather simple there are a few puzzles in a small room that you need to solve with alice mechanics. Shrinking, growing, eerie music and the like are some of the alice staples and they are all thoughtfully included, with an added dash of sinister undertones thrown into the pot. At first, I could not recommend the game because of some minor issues (which become greatly exaggerated in vr) there was a lighting problem, which made the game nearly pitch black on my vive. On top of that the addition of motion controls brought with it a joystick specific solution to head rotation. The Yaw rotation (or mouse/ right joystick on gamepads) was mapped directly to the touchpad. This made the game extremely uncomfortable to play. However, after voicing my concerns the dev patched these issues within a week showing they care about feedback, with that said I can recommend this game whole heartedly.. The Locomotion and Interaction Mechanics are, other reviewers pointed out extremely outdated. For example you will be teleporting to specific spots in the room and instead of pulling the lever you will be pointing at it like you do in the SteamVR Overlay. Despite all of this, I still recommened this game.I have played a lot of Escape the Room Experiences, and sadly a majority of them are more like hunt a search foru2665u2665u2665u2665u2665u2665simulator, this game however, has legit puzzles, plus items you use to let you interact with your surroundings differently, and unlike most ETR experiences, actually makes you think. I highly dislike the timed game over experiene, it seems like a cheap jump scare in a game that should rely on atmosphere to make it harder to think. Being jumped for what seemed like no reason, while solving a puzzle only to find I lost my progress feels a lot more like the game crashing than a legit mechanic. Unless Indicated that this is a timed experience such as the bloddy mary escape the room game. This mechanic is VERY out of place, and I would recommened the dev to make some sort of indication of either a timer the player is on, or even better to get rid of it entirely. A Death mechanic, the user is not aware, in a puzzler is very bad game design. When dying after such a long time, the user does not feel like he wants to restart the game. I might come back to it, but again from a motivational standpoint being thrown out for no reason with no indication after having put in the hard time, will be a hard out for a lot of players. I do also recommened to revisit the Locomotion and Interaction Mechanics, I am not familiar with how much documentation there is available for the Unreal Engine, but in Unity this would be easily done through some free assets, likely in the matter of days. If you change to a free teleportation system and use have physical buttons to push, instead of the pointing mechanic, then this game would stand as a hallmark and guide for all escate the room games to come after. Also slight side note, I would recommened to rename the title The Rabit Hole - Escape The Room or Escape The Room - The Rabit Hole it would likely get you more attention.. Gotta say. I really liked this except for a few things i'll point out at the end. The game atmosphere is really dark and scary - But the game shines on the game design itself: It is hard, but really fun. I like point and click adventures a lot, and The Rabbit Hole mixes that with an intense escape the room experience while making it hard with awesome puzzles. The biggest downside is that the vive controllers are not really good. However since this is an Early Access game, and the developers themselves are promising roomscale and better motion controls. I recommend it with that in mind.

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