
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

SYREN Free Download

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About This Game

SYREN is designed exclusively for VR.

SYREN is a story about a scientist obsessed with eugenics who conducts horrific experiments in an attempt to 5d3b920ae0

Title: SYREN
Genre: Action
Hammerhead VR
Hammerhead VR
Release Date: 16 Feb, 2017


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Love this game, i just have one major issue with the contols. Holding down the triggers to hold an items, really need to utilize grip buttons The issue with this is you cant aim properly and really have to bend your wrist in a silly position to aim and after a minute you start to loose your grip.. If I could choose 'maybe later' as a recommendation I would. I bought the game but haven't played much of it, because the controls completely ruin it for me, I just can't stand them and it actually turns me off to the whole game. Trigger to pick up an object like a gun, and up on the touchpad to shoot, and when I played the gun was in an incredibly awkward position. Bad: Controls are so bad I can't get over them long enough to play 30 minutes of this game Good: The developers appear to be fixing bugs incredibly fast, these issues will likely not hold them back for long.. EDIT: The Dev has seemed to make the graphics at least bearable but still not perfect, the anti aliasing is still dreadful. The game mechanics are a complete joke, there is none. It's complete trial and error to get through a room, no skill or quick thinking involved. The animations are hilariously bad and makes you lose all sense of immersion. The game mechanics need serious work before I would recommend this.. I've only put about 15 minutes into this game so far. After reading a fairly glowing review on upload I was like,. well this is a shoe in for my library! I'm pretty dissapointed thus far. at the highest graphics setting it's still blurry AF. the locomotion gets caught in weird places,. if you try the shooting range thing in the tutorial that has to be the most awkward way to hold a gun ever since you have to keep the trigger held down or you will drop the gun,. then point the vive controller like a wand and fire with the thumb pad. wtf,. it's really buggy right now as well. like the open sign on the door just hanging in space after the door opens. it just feels very unpolished. for 20 bucks I was expecting polish. hopefully they will release some patches, optimize the graphics,. this could be a great game but in the state it's in now I wouldn't reccomend people spendingt 20 bucks on it.. A unique "escape" experience with an intriguing premise and visually attractive chambers to explore. Its weaker points are being addressed in the recent updates and in a few days I believe it will only get more enjoyable.. I like this game. Graphics look great. Hide n seek while you explore the space station works well in VR. Slightly scary but more tense with scare weapons/ammo. Feels like a real game.. Man I really wanted to like this game. I really wanted to recommend it to my friends, let people try it out, but I just cant. Im not going to write a book here, but Ill say a few things briefly. The graphics everyone are complaining about? Meh. They arent terrible. Thats the least of the games problems tbh. The problem lies in a few things, one of which is pretty much a core mechanic and will probably never be fixed. The AI is basically scripted and cheats. So if you are expecting an Alien Isolation experience, this isnt it. The AI will always be in the same place, every time, take the same path, and its basically up to you to figure out the "Trick" to get past it on that particular area or stage. This pretty much killed it for me. The second biggest problem is the controls on the HTC Vive. They are just awful. Im not talking about locamotion, Im talking how the game has you interact with things is just illogical give the controls you are using. Trigger to grab things? UP on the Touchpad to shoot? What? Did no one with a Vive playtest this and tell the Devs how awful that is? FInally, the game is short. Like an hour-ish. And given it has very little replay value, its just not worth $20 for that length. I didnt beat it personally because I couldnt stand the awful glitchy AI and bad controls, but there are plenty of youtube videos that will show you the game length.

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