
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

  1. Provide the right materials

Few people will get project information from builders, architects and other contractors, especially when there are many different people involved in real estate development and you don't know who to contact. However, in order to ensure the success of 3D projects, ensuring the safety of these materials is 100% essential. Different 3d visualization studios often have different requirements on the required materials, but usually, they will require the following:


Architectural floor plan-The engineering drawings drawn by the architect are to explain exactly how the building was constructed and how it will look when completed.

Contractor’s Plan/Schedule – Other plans, construction schedules and specifications are equally important to the process, including:

FFE-detailed information on the correct style of interior finishes, furniture, appliances and fixtures.

Lighting-lighting design and luminaire specifications to ensure the correct location of the lighting and to ensure that the 3D model matches the design chosen by the interior designer.

Landscape material-The landscape design and type of vegetation can be arranged on the ground of the building.

Reference material-3D rendering studio doesn't mind the reader and needs guidance in many aspects at the beginning of any project.


  1. Effective feedback

When working with a 3D rendering company, providing clear feedback is absolutely crucial. When providing feedback, it is your job to be as concise and clear as possible. If you want to maximize the chance of 3D architectural rendering in your mind, please pay attention to this.


  1. Determine the correct rendering company

This sounds obvious, but the most important step to ensure the success of the project is to find a 3D rendering company that provides high-quality 3D rendering services. This is easier said than done.


  1. Timetable

One of the main questions that real estate developers and real estate marketing agencies ask 3D rendering companies is how long the turnaround time is. To be honest, this is largely up to you, which means that if you want to complete the task within a tight deadline, it is vital to provide timely and detailed feedback. If it takes a few days to select the desired view, and the feedback takes 3 days or more to complete, then the studio will not be able to complete the project within 10 working days.

 Just as a solid real estate marketing strategy takes some time to prepare, high-quality realistic rendering cannot be done overnight, so don’t expect the studio to provide perfect 4k rendering the day after you provide it .

 As seen in this article, both rendering companies and marketing agencies can do something to deliver high-quality 3D content. If all parties play a role, future problems will be minimized and cooperation is more likely to succeed.https://www.madpainter.net/

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