Title: PearsAndGrayWitch
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG
Release Date: 1 Jan, 2018
English,Simplified Chinese
Wow, this is such a fun game! I seem to understand what the game developer is trying to do! The more you want to win fast, the more likely you will fail! I must be very careful to control the movement or jump of the characters, or it will be easy to fail, but every time I win, I feel a sense of achievement! Every time I fail, I have a strong feeling to conquer it!
Nice game!
. This game is so awful. I spent five dollars of my own money for a game that is so bad. I had no clue at the time for a refund, but if I knew I would have refunded the game as soon as I could. 2 star YELP rating.. This Game is so interesting! It is absolutely a good B Game , just like "Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy", difficult operation and jumping, often beaten by the "empty trap" ... But if I win, I'm very happy! If a game is easy to get victory, it's not fun, isn't it?
. Under no circumstance should any human being subject themselves to experiencing this game ever. I know that it was made by someone who has feelings, and probably put at least two hours into coding this game, but there is no possible way any real person could say one good thing about this game. Let's get into it:
You play as a man named "Pears" who has to live through a never ending nightmare of collecting fruit on straight platforms. At the beginning of each level you talk to a "Witch" who is just a girl in gray shorts who talks in broken english about fruit or something, I'm not entirely sure as the story didn't immediately entice me.
Gameplay \/ controls:
The main character controls like a drunk guy with cerebral palsy. Sprinting physically moves your character from side to side, so if you sprint on a thin platform you immediately fall off. Jumping is attrocious, it is floaty and it seems to be random what direction exactly you jump in, especially while sprinting. Also, the mouse is perpetually on the screen and just floats around when you play, so that is really fun to look at.
Level Design \/ environment:
Each level looks like it was designed by a 10 year old in Roblox. They consist entirely of straight platforms that are green. Thats literally it. The "challenge" in this game is being able to walk on a straight platform for 10 minutes straight without scraping out your eyeballs. Also, after attempting it for about 45 minutes, I think level 7 is LITERALLY impossible. You have to perfectly time a jump over a chasm 10 times without dying, but collecting the apples falling from above you does not increase the amount of apples in your inventory. I think there's some secret way to beat it as well, but there are absolutely no landmarks so it's probably an invisible trigger somewhere in a tree. Fun.
Overall Opinion:
There is literally nothing good to say about this game. Terrible story, gameplay, and levels. Not worth one cent, let alone 5 dollars. The only semi redeemable factor is that the attrociously bad writing can be funny sometimes. But I use "redeemable" VERY loosely. It's like leveling up from the holocaust to the columbine shooting.
The thing too is that I usually love bad games, but this game is clearly untested, unfinished, and I would definitely say unplayable. My first ever 0\/10.
Never buy this game for any reason ever. If you get it for free do NOT play it.. Terribly buggy, could have been fun but the edges of the map are bugged and you randomly fall through. It doesnt track when you jump 70% of the time and when you do jump it randomly will make you dash wayyy too far and fall off. Resulting in 3000 failures in the basic tutorial part of the game.
Definitely needs some refining.. Not good... but in a way I will continue to play in attempt to best it because this game cannot win against me. My goal of 2018.
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