Title: Mini Rollers
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Gawkfish Studios
Gawkfish Studios
Release Date: 16 Jun, 2017
I had high hopes for this game. When checking out the steam page it reminded me of Marble Blast. Unfortunately, this game is very slow. You move like a snail, especially up slopes. It's frustrating. There's unforgiving deaths. There's "shortcuts" and an "energy bar", both of which I have no clue what they are and I've played for almost an hour. I feel like that should be like level 2\/3 stuff. Instead, I've gone through four or five levels of just rolling around.
The third level would send you back a couple minutes of this snail-like movement if you died (there's checkpoints, but they're not spreadout correctly). After about eight minutes into the level, there's this bug that'll toss you over the wall, right back to the beginning. Come on. It's level three.
The fifth level has a floating clear pyramid with a "?" in it. I had hoped it would be one of the powerups that I somehow hadn't encountered 40 minutes into this game yet. But no, it just dropped me in the middle of no where and fell to my death. What the heck? That's not fun. If it took me like 10 seconds to get back, maybe, but it's just stupid with how slow you move. Deaths are unforgiving in this game, albeit easily avoidable. I wouldn't mind as much as long as it wasn't in the first five levels.
I'm five levels into the game and I have no idea what the point of these gems are. I'm thinking "Why should I care about these?" I eventually realized after going to the home screen there's a shop where you can buy a "slow-mo" mode (because this game isn't slow enough) and some other locked features.
Also, there's no way to adjust the in-game music\/effects. Why not?
I realize that this was developed by one person over 5 months, and I can commend the developer. I couldn't make this. It looks great. But, that doesn't take away from how frustrating this game is. It's slow, it's unforgiving, and I feel like more of the mechanics should be introduced earlier.. I had high hopes for this game. When checking out the steam page it reminded me of Marble Blast. Unfortunately, this game is very slow. You move like a snail, especially up slopes. It's frustrating. There's unforgiving deaths. There's "shortcuts" and an "energy bar", both of which I have no clue what they are and I've played for almost an hour. I feel like that should be like level 2\/3 stuff. Instead, I've gone through four or five levels of just rolling around.
The third level would send you back a couple minutes of this snail-like movement if you died (there's checkpoints, but they're not spreadout correctly). After about eight minutes into the level, there's this bug that'll toss you over the wall, right back to the beginning. Come on. It's level three.
The fifth level has a floating clear pyramid with a "?" in it. I had hoped it would be one of the powerups that I somehow hadn't encountered 40 minutes into this game yet. But no, it just dropped me in the middle of no where and fell to my death. What the heck? That's not fun. If it took me like 10 seconds to get back, maybe, but it's just stupid with how slow you move. Deaths are unforgiving in this game, albeit easily avoidable. I wouldn't mind as much as long as it wasn't in the first five levels.
I'm five levels into the game and I have no idea what the point of these gems are. I'm thinking "Why should I care about these?" I eventually realized after going to the home screen there's a shop where you can buy a "slow-mo" mode (because this game isn't slow enough) and some other locked features.
Also, there's no way to adjust the in-game music\/effects. Why not?
I realize that this was developed by one person over 5 months, and I can commend the developer. I couldn't make this. It looks great. But, that doesn't take away from how frustrating this game is. It's slow, it's unforgiving, and I feel like more of the mechanics should be introduced earlier.
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