
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

After my September newsletter, one of my readers sent Curso Maestro Reiki Revisión  me some great feedback. Although she thought the newsletter was interesting and informative, she was still left wondering how to avoid working 80 hours a week without getting unceremoniously dumped by her company. In other words, she wanted to know more about how to balance her family life with an extremely demanding career, without totally sacrificing one for the other. As a woman, the challenge of this balancing act is often much greater than for a man, for obvious societal reasons. In a world where there is so much to do, how in the world do you avoid working 80 hours a week - and find balance in your life

In considering this question, a quote from William Jennings Bryan comes to mind: "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."Creating your "destiny" in terms of your career requires that you take some time to think about what you really want for yourself and what it takes to create a life that embodies your aspirations. Determining what you want may sound simple, but it is not quick and easy - it is a process, one that you must perpetually repeat, and as such requires a consistent commitment to the following three activities:

Set aside some time to really think about your values. If you are a parent and you value being present for your child's school events, finding a job in which your values are actively supported is important. Women are especially good at trying to do it all - if you want to keep your sanity and thrive in the areas you value, make the difficult decisions which allow your life to reflect your values. If you are a working parent and you would really like to spend more time with your children, consider your options and take steps toward your goal.

If you don't know what you're aiming for, why would you expect to hit on it What I've found in my coaching practice is that some people are very good at setting goals in one or two areas, but neglect the others - in order to create balance, every area needs to be considered. Begin by selecting one day every month in which you can devote two hours to goal setting and management. Set goals in the following seven areas: Financial, Career/Business, Free Time/Family Time, Health/Appearance, Relationship, Personal Growth, Making a Difference. I have an excellent format for keeping track of goals - if you're interested, send me an email and I'll send you what I use.


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