Title: Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie
Johnny Ostad
Johnny Ostad
Release Date: 22 Jun, 2018
vossaria lair of the forgotten achievements. vossaria lair of the forgotten review. vossaria lair of the forgotten
Patch 1.2:
- Fixed some audio issues in stage 8 and 9.
- Added more information to the Weapons and Upgrade Tool-tips.
- Lowered Force X1 max upgraded ammo capacity from 30 to 20.
- Fixed an issue with final "Completionist" Achievement.
- Fixed a few minor spelling errors.
- Made the game "Slightly" easier.
- Pressing "Cancel" on dialogues no longer triggers weapon alt-fire.
- Released Soundtrack for the game as DLC. link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1021080
. Patch 1.1:
- Completely overhauled the Tiles and Background.
- Removed some monsters and added new ones.
- Added an intro, dialogues and additional story.
- You can now play the game in Heroic Mode.
- Added 5 more Steam Achievements.
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