
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

It is also important to be smart with your exercise plans. Res-Q Actiflex Review You should never increase your mileage more than 10 percent per week. Too much of a work out can cripple you before you even get started. It is important to pay attention to what your body is telling you. Pain means that something is not right. You shouldn't feel like you need to push through the pain. (Especially when it comes to your knees!) Instead, you should feel free to cut back your workouts for a few days to allow your body to recuperate. Taking a little bit a time off to stop runner's knee in its early stages will ultimately mean less of break then if you wait for the condition to digress into a much more debilitating stage.

Finally, invest in a quality pair of running shoes. Look for shoes that advertise high quality shock absorption. If you have flat feet or tend to over pronate, you may want a pair of running shoes with motion control. Over pronation puts a lot of extra stress on your knees. Remember: your running shoes should be replaced every 300 to 500 miles. A really expensive pair of high-tech shoes won't do your body much good if you wear them until they are flat.Neck pain is one of the most common injuries in this day and age. In fact a 2004 study by Singapore General Hospital, found that 33% of Singaporeans actually suffered from neck pain at least once in their lives. In some cases it can even cause headaches and disturb your sleep, ultimately affecting your job, your relationships and your well being. Studies show that women are more prone to getting neck pain (up to double the incidence rates compared to men). Some studies go further to suggest that psychosocial factors plays a bigger part in women when it comes to causing neck pain (i.e. stress affects women more in causing neck pain).

Lets start with the anatomy of the neck, also known as the CERVICAL SPINE. As you can see in this picture, there really is not a lot of room for error. Your neck is only about 10cm long, and within this parameter there are dozens of spinal nerves, 7 discs, 14 (facet) joints, and countless ligaments and muscles. In VERY general terms, the discs absorb the shock and takes the weight of your head, whilst the facet joints at every level allow for movement.The discs in your neck are relatively thin, and thus prone to injury. Damaged discs not only cause pain, but they can press on the nerves in your neck sending pain into your shoulder and arms. The facet joints which are located at every level of the spine also contribute to taking some of the weight, and they allow for movement to occur (think of 2 dinner plates rotating over each other). They too will go through a certain amount of wear and tear over the years, a condition known as SPONDYLOSIS, which is another way to describe neck osteoarthritis. As one passes 50 years old, neck pain and stiffness from Spondylosis is more likely to occur.

So what can we do about it? As shown before since there are so many complex structures crammed into such a small area, anything that will cause MORE compression or increase the pressure will worsen the problem. Hence the key word here is to decompress the neck. Take the pressure OFF the discs and facet joints. Physiotherapy can help of course. A common treatment for disc related pain is traction, which literally stretches the neck and takes the pressure OFF the discs. As for the facet joints, some manual therapy techniques such as MOBILSATIONS can help loosen the facet joints, break the stiffness, and promote better facet joint movement.But at home and in the office you can help to decompress the neck too. A lot of people don't realize the position of your head can either put MORE or LESS pressure on your discs and joints. And it's this cumulated stress on your joints over many years that will do the damage. Your neck is designed to support the weight of your head, but it's only strong in one position.


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