
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

There are ways that you can relieve stress-induced Pain Absolve-RX Review pain without taking pain relievers and without having to go to the chiropractor or massage therapist every month. A little-known technique called the Alexander Technique can provide you lasting relief. The great thing about the Alexander Technique is that it takes six or eight weeks of regular session... but then your relief is lasting. That means that you are fixing your problem at the source. You're are correcting the cause of your pain, rather than just temporarily relieving your pain.When you are stressed you hold more tension in your muscles. After a while, that tension can become chronic. It becomes like a bad habit. You're so used to holding your body that way that you do it all the time. The constant tension of your muscles puts a strain on your skeletal structure, and before you know it you're suffering from chronic pain.The Alexander Technique works by teaching you how to relax muscles that are unnecessarily tense. Rather than a series of exercises or treatments, it's really more of a training technique. It helps you to relearn how to move and balance in a way that's more natural to your body.

Here's how it works. When you attend an Alexander Technique session with someone trained in the practice, your teacher will have you perform simple movements like walking or standing up from a sitting position. He will observe your movement and posture. Often he will rest a hand on your neck or back as you move. This helps him better note the tension levels in your muscles. Using gentle guidance, the teacher will help to train your muscles to relax into a natural and pain-free state. Many teachers use several movements and postures to train your muscles to move without restrictive and unnecessary tension.The technique is very gentle, but it really works. In a recent study, researchers examined the results of the Alexander Technique, massage therapy, and exercise therapy coupled with behavioral counseling. They wanted to see how well the three different approaches worked in treating chronic back pain.

They found that before treatment the patients typically experienced noticeable pain 21 days out of every 28. After 24 treatments with the Alexander technique, the patients experienced pain only 3 out of every 28 days. Even more remarkable, the patients continued to enjoy the benefits after one year even without additional treatments. 1There is also evidence that practicing the Alexander Technique can enhance your lung function. Being able to breathe better and deeper can increase your energy and reduce pain and fatigue. Researchers found that patients learning the Alexander technique improved respiratory muscle function by up to 12% compared to controls. 2Because of the methodology behind the Alexander Technique, it is a perfectly safe way to address pain issues. It provides long-lasting and effective relief. The study above was conducted using one-on-one lessons with a registered Alexander Technique professional, so that is what I recommend. You can locate a practitioner near you by visiting the Alexander Technique website.

If individual sessions aren't practical for you, many Alexander Technique teachers also host group classes. There are also books and DVDs available through the above website. These options aren't as good as one-on-one teaching, but they can still help you on your way to more pain free days.If you recently experienced a traumatic injury, you may have lingering pain as your body heals. However, you might have painful feelings in areas that were not injured. That is sometimes called referral pain. And there are several ways to treat it.Fascia (pronounced Fash-ah, rhymes with cash-a), or connective tissue, refers to all of the soft tissue that connects. Fascia connects structures like bones, tissues like muscles and organs, and even cells to one another.Our fascia includes tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and aponeuroses. It can be a large, sheet-like section, or stringy like a fine web. Our fascia is interconnected throughout our bodies. This makes up our fascial system, which can be followed continuously, connecting every part of our body with every other part.


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