Title: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - Soundtrack
Genre: Action
Nicalis, Inc.
Release Date: 4 Nov, 2014
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Amazing music, absolutely worth the wait as well as the money spent.. This OST is absolute bananas, 99\/99. If people could read this soundtrack would have alot less negative reviews. I have looked at some of the negative reviews of this product and alot are complaining that it isn't in their music tab and that they can't find the soundtrack. The soundtrack is still in pre-purchase people! IT ISN'T AVAILABLE YET SO STOP COMPLAINING THAT IT ISN'T THERE. As for how the soundtrack sounds, in my opinion it is very fitting and one of the better game sound tracks out at the moment. It is definitly worth the pric i just can't wait untill it unlocks :). Contains Afterbirth tracks so everything is in one place.
10\/10, fapping during Kave Diluvii.. Feeling glad I could collaborate to the developers. The soundtrack is just amazing.. Feeling glad I could collaborate to the developers. The soundtrack is just amazing.. It would sound a lot better if I could download it.. Its fine. Honestly I prefer the original BoI soundtrack by Danny B. Something about that rock ballad\/gypsy music just fit right.<\/b> After 200+ hours, some of the songs on here get really really old (I'm looking at you cellar music).
Then on the other hand, there are stellar tracks like Sheol.
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