Title: Shalnor Legends: Sacred Lands
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Johnny Ostad
Johnny Ostad
Release Date: 25 Jan, 2018
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I've been on a 2D Zelda-style RPG binge recently, and this is one of the good ones. Plenty of well-designed puzzles, loads of hidden secrets and enjoyable combat. Upgrades are available to spend your gold on but the more tedious RPG extras, like crafting, are (thankfully) simplified and not too much of a focus. The first playthrough had a few tricky parts but is generally easier than average. Anyone wanting more of a challenge can play through a much harder 'heroic mode' (unlocked by completing the standard game).. For 10 dollars it's incredible value.. Starts out kind of fun, but gets repetitive and annoying.. Starts out kind of fun, but gets repetitive and annoying.. For 10 dollars it's incredible value.
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