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Sakura Clicker Crack And Patch File Download

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About This Game

The latest entry in the Sakura series is more action-packed than ever before! Sakura Clickers is a fast-paced, exciting adventure, full of content, in which you defeat your foes with the power of your mouse!

Fearsome Foes - The battle never ends as you fight a horde of enemies, each one more powerful than the last as they attempt to impede your path.

Customisable Characters - As you earn gold from slaying your foes, you can purchase and outfit your hero with a variety of costumes.

Helpful Allies - You don't have to face these evils alone! As you progress you may also hire a number of allies that are dedicated to assisting you in fighting the evils that threaten the world.

Also included is 800+ moans as you defeat the monsters.

Voice Actors Credits:
北森あゆKitamori Ayu
カンザキカナリKanzaki Canari
九十九円Tsukumo Madoka
兼田めぐみKaneta Megumi
桐谷蝶々Kiritani Choucho
土井友加里Doi Yukari
ありかわ真奈Arikawa Mana
渋井美貴Shibui Miki
工藤マミKudou Mami
飯田さちIida Sachi
安田みずほYasuda Mizuho a09c17d780

Title: Sakura Clicker
Genre: Casual, Free to Play, Indie
Winged Cloud
Winged Cloud
Release Date: 29 Jul, 2015


this game reminds me why japan got nuked. Can confirm the game can be played with one hand.. Typical one-hand game ( \u0361\u00b0 \u035c\u0296 \u0361\u00b0). I saw boobs 10\/10 would play for 20 more hours!. i like boobs. I regret nothing, except being born. Best game ever should cost like 10 pounds mate. I play for the plot, i swear. First off i want to say that i dont like people that leaving a review after a 0.1 or 0.2 hours in game. Unless thats a review for a game that constantly crashes or simply dont even start and had to refund, i believe that judging a game so early its unfair and make Steam game evaluation system a crap. Just think about it, how many games have you seen on Steam, with overwhelming positive reviews from people giving a positive review to a game that they play... 10 minutes... on record...

Sakura Clicker its a "game" that all you need to do is clicking like crazy on "monster" girls while they are screaming in Japanese. And no, i am not trying to be funny, thats all that you can do. You click, you earn money, you buy allies with that money that they auto click for you to earn more money to buy more allies and so on... I played the "game" for 5 hours and thats all i could do...

Pros: Price: 10\/10 (Free to Play with unimportant DLC)

Cons: Graphics: 04\/10 (Kinda nice artwork but without any animation)
Sound: 02\/10 (Music its repetitive and girl screaming its annoying)
Storyline: 01\/10 (There is no storyline)
Gameplay: 01\/10 (Nothing really to do there, just click)
Replayability: 01\/10 (Nothing to achieve)

Overall: 3.1\/10

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