Title: Peak Angle: Drift Online
Genre: Massively Multiplayer, Racing, Simulation, Sports
Peak Angle Team
Release Date: 25 Nov, 2016
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honestly i can see why people like this game but too me it doesnt seem to reach the expectations of a 10 game on steam i can say this without being a furfag :3. but that wouldnt be at all fun would it its a good game. end of story.. I bought this just because I was bored, it was totally worth it! xD It's really fun to play, and it isn't hard to get the hang of at all. I love the customization and the online system.. Very Fun, Still in development and will be improved more and more, been here since the start, fun to play and always a blast. Connect to a server, start drifting, compete with other players for the most points.. Very nice game. Top drift 1010 Play this game to lot time, remember beta test this game. Recommend for all.
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