Title: Mind Unleashed
Genre: Action, Indie
Frost Earth Studio
IV Productions
Release Date: 5 May, 2016
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At this time this game is not user friendly for the HTC Vive Experience. They say it is in u201cBETAu201d for Vive and should be fixed shortly. The height control is off to the point it is impossible to aim below you because your head is in the ceiling. I have tried out about 40 games for the vive and this was probably tied for first on the nausea factor due to: simultaneous head movement and mouse movement, as well as the 45-degree jerk left/right with q/e (especially when trying to turn around on an enemy. The alarms in-between waves are also a bit loud and I could understand a lot of people being deterred by the pitch and volume of the alarm warning. On the bright side before I had to exit the game in the second wave due to nausea the game did seem to have some redeeming qualities with the jetpack and ammo replenishing that requires you to keep moving around finding enemies. I wish I could have gotten to try out some of the harder waves and the other two classes, but it was too much for me. Headset aiming was very responsive and accurate I think I would like this shooting style if I hadn't gotten nauseous. This is the first Vive game I have had to refund.. Woooooooooow what a disappointing experience. Played with the HTC VIVE >>> No proper motion controllers support, almost no updates or support. This is amateurish but in a bad way. Don't buy this, even for a buck.. If you're thinking of playing this because you have a Vive, just don't. Only mouse and keyboard support, poor interface, no headphones support and some of the quickest motion sickness I've experienced to date. Just, don't. Edit: Turns out you have to play it for more than 5 minutes and I only have 3. That's how quick it gets to you.. Kill-the-waves based gamplay. Gaze based aiming. Motion sickness.. This game gets dull in about 10 minutes. Being able to fly is a lot of fun but the game very quickly just becomes about backpeddling endlessly while shooting a variety of weapons that all feel underwhelming. Added to this is the fact that enemies can spawn anywhere you're not looking, meaning most of your enemies are always behind you. The music matches the theme, but it's too grating to take for very long. It suffers like most vr games from being a single idea quickly thrown together to cash in on the novelty.. Keyboard and mouse control with the Vive is terrible. I couldn't find any way to find the controls. F1 to reset your VR position, I think 1 and 2 are your class abilities. Neat tech demo, and I guess 3$ isn't too much (even less as part of the indie bundle), but chunky, undescribed controls and weird collision detection and no hit notification. not my cup of tea.. This game gets dull in about 10 minutes. Being able to fly is a lot of fun but the game very quickly just becomes about backpeddling endlessly while shooting a variety of weapons that all feel underwhelming. Added to this is the fact that enemies can spawn anywhere you're not looking, meaning most of your enemies are always behind you. The music matches the theme, but it's too grating to take for very long. It suffers like most vr games from being a single idea quickly thrown together to cash in on the novelty.. I would not recommend this game. But that's because I get really fast motion sick while playing this game just for minutes. The game itself is fast pacing and looks nice. People which aren't much affected by motion sickness will this game. A Teleport function would be great for VR.. Vr motion sickness. Fitst person views in vr are no good to me.. This game has some really nice stuff going on. Nice aesthetic, responsive controls, FUN flying. What has impressed me most is how responsive and quick the dev is to fix bugs. At its price, you can't go wrong with this game.
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