Title: McDROID
Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy
Release Date: 5 Sep, 2014
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More Reviews TheVideogameBacklog.com McDROID is one of the two most imaginative tower defense games Ive played in a long time. Its a timeless story about you (a puppy-like robot named McDROID) and your friend SHUTTLE crash-landing on the dying Planet M. You must plant and harvest strawberries as a form of currency to build and upgrade towers to fight off the corrupted creatures that have taken a stronghold on Planet M. This may really sound strange, but its also a truck load of fun! Maintaining your calm, like John Spartan, is crazy essential to McDROID. If you dont keep a clear head youll start forgetting to maintain your defenses so you can gather stuff or youll forget about gathering strawberries and have nothing to buy towers with. Things can go from good to Oh sweet mother! Where did all THAT come from!?! fairly quickly. Thats part of the strategy/challenge though. Since the game comes off as having a tower defense game foundation one can assume a usual set of rules: set defense->kill monsters->gain money repeat. McDROID rarely gives you the currency needed to buy towers or to beef them up from drops (while in the stage). You need to find and plant seeds to grow your strawberries. Youll usually start with a few seeds and then get more from monsters to plant later. Then, not only do you have to pick them when they ripen, but you also have to take them to SHUTTLE. Then you can spend them on defense. Also, you can only carry a certain amount at one time. All this takes time away from the front lines of battle. Youll quickly learn that if you ignore the front line for too long in hopes for more profit, the front line will be in your face in no time. Eventually youll get blueprints for a gathering tower the helps by harvesting strawberries and gathering diamonds nearby. Dont scoff at the idea like I did; use this helpful tower! Of all the things that the bad guys do drop, you will receive diamonds from some of them and these are essential. High scores screwm. You can come back later for that. Diamonds help a lot more in the long run. They are used in the researching of bigger and badder guns to help repel the waves of no-goodniks. Oh, I guess you could also buff your defenses too, but isnt the best defense a good offense? That does come with a cost though. If you unlock all four levels of your laser turret, you may only be able to have one fully upgraded turret instead of multiple lower end ones. Is that worth it? It varies on each situation. Sometimes the upgraded turret can function differently than the previous levels and you may not even like it! Spend you diamonds carefully or not really, you can always get more! Something else that stands out in McDROID is the humor. Its strange. Not the so far out of left field you cant fathom it strange, but you will probably tilt your head and question if you just heard what was said. Its nothing inappropriate, just different. Some of the things said in McDROID also had me rolling. This is a light-hearted title that holds a crowbar behind its back. One minute it will have you laughing and the next the sudden change in a battles tide will have you crying. One of the best parts of McDROID is the coop. Normally this is something that is just tacked on for me and is nifty, but not all together necessary for me to have a good time. While single the single player campaign is great fun, playing this crazy madness with friends is simply a blast! It can be a bit confusing at first with the strawberry collection being shared and one teammate (read: me) spending all of them on some venture that he thinks is a great idea. Hopefully it pays off, but it wont 100% of the time. Diamonds collected go to each individual person, but when spent only get taken from the one who purchased said item. Its a very nice touch. Score: Gewd./Tasty! Other than a small issue with the back button on my controller causing some problems, McDROID is a delight to play with or without friends. The concept is great and executed fantastically. Its not super deep, but its got depth where it needs it. If you are a fan of strategy/tower defense games, you owe it to yourself to pick this up and give it a try. It may not be a walk in the park, but there are some nice views to take in while your rampaging across Planet M.. You may read my initial review below, however after completing the game on the second day with only "achievements" left to gain by painfully grinding levels or waiting for people who actually play properly i have had to change my review. If i am missing something please let me know, but according to it i finished the tree of life and thats pretty much the end. So i payed 13.50 for a few hours of gameplay some which were just painful grinding to get diamonds. i have to compare this to say kingdom rush - 6.99 for 70 hours+ gameplay. in its current state this game is well overpriced. Now deleting! I purchased this with very little to go on, only around 3 reviews at the time of purchase. It's a great game i do however think it is more inclined towards multiplayer if you want to advance at a reasonable pace. I seem to have to be "grinding" to get diamonds to unlock upgrades etc in single player. Also the tutorial doesnt really explain things very well and as your thrown in at the deep end ( in single player ) it can seem a little overwhelming, As you realize that your wasting the diamonds you need for upgrades on mines etc, evetually it causes you to play a lot more strategically to save resources for upgrades. Graphically its nicely done and it all plays very well. The only problem i really encountered was whilst i was carrying a turret at one point i seem to become lodged in the "mother ship" there seemed no way to free myself and it forced me to restart the level. Also i noticed that trying to traverse the pathway from level to level with the keyboard causes your droid to walk diagonally ( i saw a few people fall off the path - having the same problem ) this problem however doesnt occur with a controller.. On-the-fly robo customization with a skill tree? Take my money/10. This game sucks in a way that it keeps away you from doing anything else ;-) It is very lovely done, the graphics are really nice, kept in a comic-lice style. The story is . well . odd. Long story short: You crash-land on a planet and need to refill your strawberry-juice-engine. While planting and harvesting strawberries, you have to keep the "local population" away from them and prevent your own destruction, because they bite and shoot. Handling is very easy, Just run, collect and upgrade. Shooting at enemies is done automatically, but you can also choose a primary target by just clicking it. All weapons fire is then focused on that. There are many different weapons and items which will help you doing that. You will find blueprints and diamonds throughout the game to research and upgrade these. Your McDROID has an arm with which it can repair damaged turrets and your shuttle. After you finish a level, the challenge and nightmare mode for that level will become available for more fun. And if a level ist just too tough fou you alone, you can invite friend to help you out. Yes, this game is multi-player. Is it worth the price? Yes. Definitely.. A Tower Defense game, between average and good. Graphics are colourful, but need a powerfull hardware to run, even in low quality; when screen has plenty of action, can cause lags and crashes. Mechanics is right; has only 5 towers to choose, but each has 4 possible upgrades. Also there is 5 kinds of powerfull items, with a crescent price by use. Towers and items must be unblocked by ingame progress. The economy is based in a mixed system of farming and gems, to buy towers, upgrades and items. The gameplay is a harsh challenge, because its normal difficulty is high, and indeed there are two more hard modes: really no has an easy mode. The enemy bugs are varied, but as there aren't pathways in scenaries, they go where they want to, attacking towers directly: the player must to defend himself, his base, his crops, and his towers, and are very weak. And if this not was enought, enemy has air supremacy and does shellings. As result, game only can be finished by using a lot the special items, specially in harder mode. Finish the 13 scenaries in 3 modes take about 60 hours, reaching a 80% of achievements. As has a childishs style and story, a coop option and don't show violence against humans (except a poor scenary about zombies), is very recomendable for children, surely its good reputation come from their opinions.. Game is so good.. If you like tower defense you will love this game! Very fresh and very pretty. Amazing cel shaded graphics and robot characters reminiscent of Borderlands' clap-trap but sans the annoying voice.. A quite fun co-op Tower Defence game. You run around as a robot building stuff, carrying stuff and firing and stuff using towers you carry. You need to move towers, build towers, upgrade them and figure out what combos work the best and so on.. Mcdroid is a fun tower denfense game but it has pros and cons.
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