Title: Battle Princess Madelyn
Genre: Action, Indie
Causal Bit Games Inc.
Causal Bit Games Inc., Hound Picked Games
Release Date: 5 Dec, 2018
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With the new updates and maps this game is great but very hard , will take many hours for me to play.. Highly recommended! Great game! In my childhood, i loved ghouls n ghosts on the sega genesis and this game is like it x 10!!!!!. Note: I have only played in Arcade mode, so I have little to say for the story mode. Bonus it works great with steam play on Linux!! The only issue I have running it on Linux is it crashes on exit. Update: Crash on exit is fixed with new steam play version 3.16-7.. I wanted to like this game I really did you see I am a HUGE FAN of Maldita Castilla another gouls n ghost inspired game on steam and aesthetically this is just like that full of perfect sprite work and art design but under all that the game itself is not great it's massive levels are easy to get lost in and REALLY LACK DIRECTION I had no idea where I was meant to go in level 2. I would often have to do a leap of faith and hope I would land on a platform and not an enemy that you had no idea was there.. I liked it at first, but I can't really recommend it. Pros and cons below. CONS: - Level design is somewhat frustrating. > It's often difficult to tell what is background and what are walls and floors. For example, there's a well in one spot of town you can stand on, but all other wells are background. Black space is often used as a background, but there are several places where it's just a wall. > The close camera and lack of an area map makes it difficult to know where anything is vs. where a plummet to your death is. > To find everything, you have to traverse the same areas repeatedly, but doing so is not much fun. > Tutorial hints are sometimes misleading or not super helpful. For example, one hint tells you to kneel in front of statues to get things. There's a statue immediately in front of this hint, but kneeling there does nothing, and the nearest statue where you can get something by kneeling shows you an unskippable(!) list of Fallen Heroes Kickstarter backers. - Graphics are pretty low resolution (at 1080p), making the game look unpolished rather than retro. This is especially true for text, which seems pixelated and blurry. - While tutorial hints are copious in some places, they are absent in others. For example, there's nothing that tells you where to find Sir Dav after you rescue him or what the doll room means or what money and shards are for (I completed level 2 and still couldn't find any kind of store nor anyone who even told me what money and shards did). I'm not a huge fan of tutorial hints in general, but if you choose to go that route, it can be frustrating when obvious instructions are missing (or possibly hard to findthe end result is the same for the player). - Upon beating a boss, the game force-warps you back to the castle, even if you'd intended to explore the level further. In order to explore the level further, or in some cases progress to the next level, you have to go all the way back through the level you'd just beaten. PROS: - Although low res, the art is lovely and adorable. - The controls are clean and tight (a nice upgrade from this game's Ghosts 'n' Goblins predecessor). - The game feels like a Metroidvania version of Ghosts 'n' Goblins without being as ridiculously difficult as that game was. - The respawn mechanic in story mode is pleasantly forgiving. I backed this game. I want to love it. I like it when it works, and I hope the flaws can be fixed eventually, but for now, I found it more frustrating than entertaining. I'm as sad about that as anyone. Maybe I'll check it out again in a few months.. Feels like a proper spiritual successor to Ghosts 'n Goblins! The pixel art is outstanding.. I never could beat Super GnG, so I thought this would be too hard for me, but I gave it a chance and it feels pretty fair. I do like that I can keep respawning as long as I kill monsters.. I fux wit it. i beta tested this game, and now buying the full piece is like completing a set to me. this Game is AWESOME. i can't understand the reviews here that complain about it, this is the perfect homage to the original hard-mode games like ghosts and goblins. seriously, don't pass this game up there is some awesome gaming to be had here, and if you're a completionist like me, and a secret hunter, this game is for you. so far i've had happy accidents finding the super armor, and the different weapons. the dev's of this game are epic as well, and i had a great time conversing with them during beta because they listened to each and every suggestion i personally had, and considering them to great fruition.. Controls are aweful. Absolute BS that I waste 5 minutes climbing to be knocked down and have to repeat. Not just one area but in many. Not enjoyable at all.
Battle Princess Madelyn Is Out Now + Patch News : Hey everyone, Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who has been so supportive during the pre-launch campaign and today! We've been overwhelmed by your comments, messages, tweets on Twitter and discussions in Discord [discord.gg] . We're thrilled with the reactions to Battle Princess Madelyn so far! The team at Causal Bit Games Inc are looking into the few bugs missed during initial testing and will attempt to have most of them patched by tonight (9pm EST). They are also adding in a hint system to explain the controls as well as a compass for your dog! This compass will lead you to where hidden quest items may be behind walls. Some of the bug fixes include : Being able to go back to the island in 5a - the cliffs of sorrow (this should have been blocked as you don't need to go back) Tuning of a few objects Some rare issues with savegames (completing story mode can lock your save data) We know there are some issues with unsupported controllers and will update you with the patch If you do continue to stumble into anything you feel may be a bug, please do let us know by completing the this form [bugs.houndpicked.com] . The team will review it ASAP. Once again, from everyone at Causal Bit Games and Hound Picked Games, thank you for your support and we'll update you once the patch is live later today.. The Journey Begins - Kickstarter! : Hello Again! Thanks to all of your support, the Kickstarter [www.battleprincessmadelyn.com] for Battle Princess Madelyn is already over 60% funded into its second day on the platform! We can't thank you enough for your awesome support and for helping us reach this important milestone after our first day! Battle Princess Madelyn means a lot to us, and especially to Madelyn, the star of the show! The fact that there are so many people out there who want to hear the positive messages were embedding into the game for this precious little girl (and who also want to get their old-school classic Arcade-style gameplay on) fills our hearts with pure joy! Well have a new update for all of you tomorrow, so please be ready! Please be sure to leave your comments below if you have any questions about this game, our Kickstarter project, the playable Pre-Alpha build, or the rewards that we are offering as a thanks for your support! See you again soon! -Chris and Daven Causal Bit Games Inc.. More Options! More Features! + SALE! : All New Super Deluxe Rad Mode With Added Rad Bonuses!. New Year, New Patch : Hey everyone, We hope you had a great holiday season and are now keeping warm from the cold. The most recent update is now live and includes the following: Armor and weapon shards play a sound on pickup now Coins slide slower and live longer after falling flat Loot rate in arcade increased so skeletons are more likely to have weapons and armor for you Level 3 art changed to match inventory image SP text now fits to text boxes in some cutscenes Swimming fish in the water ruins no longer behave oddly between left and right side, meaning they will be passive when water raises and lowers or aggressive and killable when water is raised Sea sponge shooters fixed in water ruins Framerate improved in a few levels Lost children quests should now always spawn enemies to kill at a decent rate Keyring HUD fixed to not stay stuck on glowing when far from doors you can open Music added to Germany town Additional keyring removed from inventory Several fixes to text Moved Bills book to lower half of Cliffs of sorrow Added flipping spike platforms to lower half of Cliffs of Sorrow Changed collider animation for toy soldiers in Toy Tower of Pisa Added Trigger sounds to sunken ruins area of Cliffs of Sorrow Added Trigger sounds to puzzle in the Witches Cave Fixed Man Eating Plants in 10a and 10b (Final Story Level) Level 4 vanishing weapons fixed Level 4 invisible wall fixed during child rescue As always, thank you so much for continuously feeding back to us here on the Steam forum and via our Discord [discord.gg] server.. Patch 1.0.3 is now live! : Hey everyone, Patch 1.0.3 is now live! Please see below for the most recent updates: Arcade and Story mode order flipped on the menu menu. This is to allow first time players to ease right into the action and experience some of the upgrades you get later on in story mode. Fixed a glitch where the Cliffs of Sorrow sunken boat could prevent progress if events are done out of order in story mode. Arcade loot drop rate tweaked to give more chances of Fritzy ranged attack powers. This is a timed effect potion that does not drain MP, unlike Fritzy shots in story mode. Fixed extra NPC hint characters appearing when their text is not yet localised. Fixed a rare bug where player character would respawn off-screen in story mode when changing levels. Removed the enemy from Germany forest in story mode that could block your path if your weapons were not upgraded or you were missing any wide range or melee versions. If you do continue to stumble into anything you feel may be a bug, please do let us know by completing this form [www.bugs.houndpicked.com] . The team will review it ASAP.. Pre-Alpha Build and Live on Kickstarter! : Hello All, We've released the Pre-Alpha Build of Battle Princess Madelyn on Steam! Click Download Demo to give the first level (five stages, 3 main and 2 secret) a try ! Also, we've launched a Kickstarter! Come check out some of the unique Battle Princess Madelyn rewards on offer while the campaign is still going at: Thanks to all of you for your support so far in the journey through Greenlight, we have a lot more information on the game coming ahead! -Chris and Daven Causal Bit Games Inc.. Out Now: Battle Princess Madelyn the Soundtrack : Both teams at Hound Picked and Causal Bit would like to say a big thank you to everyone who's purchased Battle Princess Madelyn and the love, support and feedback we've received has been incredible. As you know, we're been incredibly busy over the last month or so patching bugs, implementing tweaks to gameplay and general QOL additions post launch. We've launched the OST of Battle Princess Madelyn, composed by the awesome Gryzor87 and both the PCM/FM and orchestral versions of the music are included. In the meantime, if you are not already following Causal Bit Games on social media, here is a reminder of their profile links and we look forward to hearing from you! Facebook [www.facebook.com] Twitter Instagram [www.instagram.com] Join us on Discord [discord.gg]. Updates (18/12/2018) : Hey everyone, We said there were more updates coming, and here they are! Hints now enabled in non-ENG languages. Boss deaths now correctly give achievements, notably the tree boss should give an achievement for anyone who has beaten it before. Warp screen scrolling increased. Talking to people who give weapons or keys will make sure you have them after talking, rather than waiting for a spawned item to touch you. Decreased the difficulty of earlier parts in story mode. More directional hints in arcade and story areas where players often got lost. As always, thank you so much for continuously feeding back to us here on the Steam forum and via our Discord [discord.gg] server.. Updates (17/12/2018) : Hey everyone, You probably noticed that over the weekend, there was an update to Battle Princess Madelyn. Here's a run down of what was fixed and tweaked: Tweaked the weapon pickups to fix an issue in arcade mode where dropped loot will fall through floors or incorrect sprites. Fixed Bill's Book as it sometimes did not show up with random spawn. It now appears at a fixed location in the Cliffs of Sorrow Fixed a mid-level boss in the final stage of story mode not closing the door Fixed a crash where going to the hidden stage from title screen could freeze the game Fixed the hidden stage cutscene ending before pressing a button Faster loading to title screen Beating witches takes you straight to castle courtyard Fixed a bug that could cause save file corruption at doors and NPC's As always, thank you so much for continuously feeding back to us here on the Steam forum and via our Discord [discord.gg] server.. Battle Princess Madelyn launches on Switch & PS4 in NA : "Grampy can only show you part of the way, Madelyn - but Fritzy will always be by your side." Hey everyone, we're super excited to share the news that Battle Princess Madelyn is out now on Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 in North America Nintendo Switch: Playstation 4: Once again, from everyone at Causal Bit Games Inc.
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