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Mayhem Intergalactic Crack

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About This Game

Wage war on your friends and enemies in this simple and engaging strategy game. Easy to learn and quick to play, Mayhem Intergalactic is surprisingly strategic. Play again 5d3b920ae0

Title: Mayhem Intergalactic
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Inventive Dingo
Inventive Dingo
Release Date: 4 Jul, 2007


mayhem intergalactic. mayhem intergalactic

It's a basic but very enjoyable and fun indie-game with some strategy elements and appears to be fun with friends for some casual gaming. Although, it lacks any sense of progression, it's still quite fun and sucks you in to the extent that you just lose track of how much time you've played. It may not be everyone's thing, but I highly recommend checking it out. However, I do have an issue with the $9.99 dollar price tag; at most, it should be for $5.00 dollars because it's not particurally feature rich, and not a whole ot of people even bother with playing online with the game, if any at all. It's a dead game in terms of updates; however, this doesn't mean the game is buggy, it seems to be fairly polished with the exception of weird AI behavior at timesand the fact that the game can be easy sauce when using simple strategies such as only holding a few planets and "upgrading" them and ammasing a ton of ships just to roflstomp your enemies.. nobody plays multiplayer and the computer has no idea how to play didnt invade a single enemy planet yet. While the devs describe this game as a 'streamlined take on the classic "4x" genre', that's a bit of an overstatement. It's pretty much just a straight line. There realy isn't much to do other than build up an fleet and try to overwhelm everything as you expand outward. Other than your ships, the only resource to manage is upgrading factories on planets so they will build more ships each turn. This does forfit any ship building for that planet that turn and the only limit is that you can only upgrade one factory per turn & a particular factory cannot be upgraded on consecutive turns. The main negative of this game is that there is no online community anymore, meaning that there are 3 achievements that will be impossible to earn without help from friends who also own this game. So why do I recommend it? Because sometimes simple is fun. It's easy to generate a small map and have a quick game that you can finish in under 15 minutes or pull up a huge one for an 8 player last-man-standing war that can last a while. If you either allow the adaptive AI to level up as you win games (or raise it manually), eventually your opponents will put up a decent fight. If they get to be too much, you can always knock it down a bit to make it challenging and fun for you the player (and turn off adaptive AI). Without any real online play I don't think I'd pay full price, but if you can catch it on good sale it worth a few bucks for a quick and simple strategy fix.. I remember when this game had a nice small community of active players and an active developer, its a shame that I had to give this a negative review but I feel like this game was abandoned by the developer, I miss this game.. Unsurprising and forgettable.. While the devs describe this game as a 'streamlined take on the classic "4x" genre', that's a bit of an overstatement. It's pretty much just a straight line. There realy isn't much to do other than build up an fleet and try to overwhelm everything as you expand outward. Other than your ships, the only resource to manage is upgrading factories on planets so they will build more ships each turn. This does forfit any ship building for that planet that turn and the only limit is that you can only upgrade one factory per turn & a particular factory cannot be upgraded on consecutive turns. The main negative of this game is that there is no online community anymore, meaning that there are 3 achievements that will be impossible to earn without help from friends who also own this game. So why do I recommend it? Because sometimes simple is fun. It's easy to generate a small map and have a quick game that you can finish in under 15 minutes or pull up a huge one for an 8 player last-man-standing war that can last a while. If you either allow the adaptive AI to level up as you win games (or raise it manually), eventually your opponents will put up a decent fight. If they get to be too much, you can always knock it down a bit to make it challenging and fun for you the player (and turn off adaptive AI). Without any real online play I don't think I'd pay full price, but if you can catch it on good sale it worth a few bucks for a quick and simple strategy fix.. Fun strategy game. Reminds me of Galcon and Planetwars, but the choice between upgrading factories and producing ships is an interesting addition.. I remember when this game had a nice small community of active players and an active developer, its a shame that I had to give this a negative review but I feel like this game was abandoned by the developer, I miss this game.

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