Title: Last Days Of Tascaria
Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Early Access
Baltica Games
Baltica Games
Release Date: 27 Apr, 2018
Last Days of Tascaria is a very interesting take on the rogue like genre. The combat system is really innovative, making it a mixture between real time action and turn-based. The story is somewhat intriguing and it is told due to text-based cutscenes throughout the game. I have really enjoyed my experience with the game and i will really recommend it to those fans of turn-based RPGs that also fancy a little to control where their character is on screen.
The graphical design suits perfectly the story and it seems lot of care has been put to distinguish each character. Though beating the main campaing could be a matter of hours (if you are really really skilled, this game is tough!!!), its replayability value is really high as the story and the environment is procedurally generated.
My only complain with the game (that i am sure developers will fix in the retail version) is the lack of a proper tutorial. I know a tutorial exists which explains you how to maneuver in battle but there is little information about the different elements in the UI. I miss the times of instruction booklets (but it's not their fault)! (why not including one digitally within the game, in the options secton)
To sum up, congratulations on your great work and i will keep an eye on your future works
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