Junk Jack Torrent Download [key]
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About This Game
Make the world truly yours in Junk Jack, a relaxing sandbox experience focused on building and improving your home. Tame and breed creatures, cook foods, collect animal companions, farm exotic plants, collect fish, grow flowers, play with your friends!
Travel in procedural planets full of content to discover, monsters to combat, crafts to learn and loot to equip or simply proudly display in your home.
All of this is possible in Junk Jack, and much more will be possible in the future. We have much more fun stuff to do planned forthcoming!
- Use portals to travel between 12 planets with unique hand crafted environments
- All worlds are procedurally generated and different every time you create a new one
- Play online with your friends
- Fully featured equip system with hundreds of different wearables with unique stats
- Beautiful retro styled pixel art graphics
- Deep Electronics system to create intricate contraptions, even complete CPUs!
- Creative mode to unleash your creativity and build everything you can imagine
- More than one thousand different crafts
- Two styles of crafting: a crafting grid or simple mode which allows crafting items with a single click
- Lots of loot to collect!
- Hundreds of placeable objects, blocks and decorations
- Fully dynamic day-night system, with weather effects
- A vibrant coloured lighting engine that will make you enjoy every minute spent in Junk Jack worlds
- Fish and display your captured animals in fish tanks!
- Place your rare treasures on shelves, display your equip pieces on mannequins!
- Collect tameable pets which will follow you around
- Capture and breed cows, sheeps, pigs and many more animals!
- Farm and grow unique plants and use them to cook delicious recipes
- A thorough ingame tutorial will help you learn the basics of the game
- Beautiful music tracks by Bright Primate
- Craft hundreds of potions with che chemistry bench
- Mix flower seeds to grow thousands of unique flower combinations
- Decorate your home with many craftable and customizable furniture sets
- Combat hordes of mobs with many different weapon types
- Explosives, signs, paintable objects and many more features awaits you!

Title: Junk Jack
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 30 Nov, 2016
- OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
- Processor: Intel x86 CPU
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Opengl 2.1+ GPU (256MB VRAM)
- Storage: 300 MB available space
- Additional Notes: Requires Visual Studio 2015 Redistributables which may require some specific updates from Windows Update to be installed before

Great game +1. I really love this game. I played it when the OG Junk Jack came out for iPhone and I was hooked. Its not really a copy of Terraria because Junk Jack is more focused on getting artifacts rather than fighting, I can though understand why some people think its a Terraria/Minecraft copy. I would 100% recommend for everyone. Update: after close to 500 hours I still love the game!. I've searched my whole life for a game that was designed for building pixel art, (and no, Minecraft is not, Minecraft is 3D, Pixel art is 2D). I love this game so much I think it was designed for me :D no need to put Diamond gem spark walls behind your pixel art like in Terraria and if you messed up somewhere you don't have to break everything down to get to the middle, its amazing :D
The Adventure mode is also fun, if you use simple craft you need to find all the recipes before you can craft them, but you can change it if you really want to, I just like to go with the setting that will keep me busy for longer.. It's a good game for a while, but it becomes pointless once you get behind the mechanics. The game needs some challenges other than just exploring all the worlds (which you can do very quickly by the way and only need a stronger weapon/armor to do so). Yes you can craft stuff, cook, catch fish etc, but what is the point if cannot help you progress on any set goals? Why cook meals if you don't need them to survive? So what if you drop your whole inventory if you die? There's nothing in there worth keeping that can't be replaced very quickly anyway.
So you just basically have to hit it lucky on a couple of rarer ore veins to craft stronger weapons and armor and that's about it..
- temporarily sates addiction to 2D sandbox games
- more casual than Terraria
- a decent (but not great) mobile port
. Junk Jack is a lot of fun. There is an insane amount of blocks, collectables, recipes and farmable plants. The combat system is pretty simple, but there are tons of biomes to discover, chests to loot, potions to brew, and blocks to build with. The mechanics system lacks actuators (it only has a few types of input and output), but is really fun to use and can be used to create complex logic systems. Multiplayer is a little buggy (it currently crashes when anything is thrown), but the developers are working on it, releasing a new update for every week or two. Even as is the game has a lot of depth and shows a lot of promise.
Steam Trading Cards are now available in Junk Jack!:
Hello everyone, Steam Trading Cards are now available to discover in Junk Jack!
We also added Steam emotes, custom badges and cool profile backgrounds.
Another step towards the official launch of the game!
We hope you'll enjoy them. Have fun mining!. Junk Jack 3.1.2 Update is out!:
Welcome to Junk Jack 3.1.2!
This update gives the game a new coat of paint with many tweaks,new craftable items, huge monsters, weapons, ancient craftable pick-shovels, revamped graphics and lots of features and refinements to improve the game balance and polish.
Check out the changelog below!

- new network advertiser to find games over local network!
- new Android pocket pet to celebrate the Android release of Junk Jack!
- more than 40 mobs have been redrawn from scratch!
- 12 new entirely revamped and much bigger golems!
- 12 new wearable golem heads
- new unique antique shards have been added on each planet
- use the new antique shards to craft 12 new powerful pickshovels!
- new craftable glass showcase
- new craftable glass shelf
- new craftable flower supports
- new craftable golem pets
- new utility crates added on all worlds!
- added rotting pocket pig and sheep pets
- many balance tweaks to weapon damages
- many balance tweaks to mobs damage and health
- tweaked loottable and general balance
- tweaked mobs health and general damage
- tweaked essential soul sword crafts
- tweaked uber mobs damage and mobs damages
- tweaked music and ambient sounds distribution on all planets
- improved statues graphics
- improved addons graphics
- improved gem torches graphics, they glow now!
- improved gardening plants graphics
- improved vases graphics
- improved furniture sets graphics
- modified crafts available by default
- new reagents have been added to alchemy
- fixed duplicate drops on some objects
- old chair can now be flipped
- gem blocks are now translucent!
- new wood and stone pedestals, use them to display your precious treasures!
- many craft tweaks and balances
- new item gather animation
- all tools and weapons have had their graphics improved
- all mobs have been revamped with new shading
- fixed pocket king slime not appearing. Now it has new graphics too!
- fully redrawn equip pieces with new shading
- player graphics have been improved
- fixed some crossbows and bows not correctly appearing when equipped
- new craftable rare golem smashers
- new craftable rare gorlem armor pieces!
- revamped craftable chests graphics
- tweaked some blocks graphics
- new library block
- new rain sound
- improved overall Terra biomes density and quality
- added rare palms in the desert biome
- added large bricks column in the stone biome on terra
- added craftable large stone bricks!
- sugar canes will now appear in Terra
- revamped stone merlons
- tweaked maximum allowed hostile mobs
- tweaked ground chests spawn rate
- new rare flowers added in the stone biome
- tweaked rare biomes occurrence on all planets
- increased default music volume
- fixed some minor graphical issues
Happy mining and thanks for your continued support!
Junk Jack 3.1 Uber Mobs Update is out!:
Welcome to Junk Jack 3.1!This patch adds Uber Mobs, powerful monsters that can be summoned by destroying Altars in each world. Defeat them and gather unique powerful equip and weapon sets!
We have also improved combat hit detection, added new treasures such as weapons, pocket pets, new essence swords and revamped trinkets! Worlds are more varied now with new rare biomes with chests and everything has also been fine tuned once again.
You will also find Totem pieces in all the planets which can be assembled to form a huge totem tower! Many other features and fixes have been added too. Check out the changelog below!

The image shows some of the full armor sets and weapons obtainable by killing Uber Mobs! Remember to generate new worlds or you won't find Altars.
- combat hit detection has been improved!
- revamped swing and hit sounds
- experimental: now you will be able use portals in multiplayer!
- tweaked weapon animations
- each planet will now spawn Altars: destroy them to summon powerful Uber Mobs!
- collect 12 new unique looking armor sets which are dropped from Uber Mobs!
- collect 12 new unique and powerful weapons which are dropped from Uber Mobs!
- 30 new rate pocket pets!
- totems have been added! Collect and assemble totems from all the planets
- some rare treasures became pocket pets
- some rare treasures now became fancy weapons
- new essences treasure graphics
- revamped ethereal essence trinkets with improved stats
- craft ethereal swords by forging them with precious metals and essences
- every planet surface will now have rare biomes with chests from the nearest planets!
- new rare chests have been added on all planet surfaces
- pocket pets icons are now integrated in the inventory just like encrusted weapons
- tweaked gem variety and density on all worlds
- tweaked mob spawning algorithm and max mob quantity
- slight tweaks to ore distributions
- added missing colored goo to craft equivalence
- added some crafts to default available crafts
- tweaked some mobs health values
- some loot table tweaks
- zombies and skeletons will now wear various helmets!
- added generic songs to all planets
- tweaked music vs ambient sound occurrence
- revamped campfire graphics
- improved terra surface variety with new biomes
- added trap chest to all planets
- fixed various reported graphical issues
- small graphical tweaks
- various bug fixes
Happy Uber Slaughtering!.
Junk Jack 3.0 Update is out!:

Hello! Today we're releasing a big content patch which adds more than 250 treasures to be discovered, we call it the treasure hunt season! We also added a new end game planet named Tor which can be reached from Mykon, with lots of new monsters, equip pieces, treasures and blocks.
Planets have been tweaked and should be more varied and fun to explore, we redrawn a lot of mobs and made many balance tweaks and bug fixes.
We're quite satisfied with the progress made to the game and we think the game is mature enough to be released in full form on Steam, so please let us know what you think of this patch!
After the release we'll continue with the updates, to improve Junk Jack even more.
Happy treasure hunting!
- treasure hunt season is now open! We added more than 250 unique rare treasures in chests. Happy hunting!
- new planet reachable from Mykon: Tor! Make sure to generate a new Mykon Adventure or you won't find the new portals
- planets surfaces, graphics and biomes have been revamped and are now more varied and fun to explore
- many new blocks and discoverable treasures can be found on Tor
- dozens of new blocks and treasures!
- more than 20 new monsters!
- lots of new weapons, armor and other equip pieces can be dropped from Tor monsters
- 10 new fish types
- 12 new statues
- new pocket pets!
- two new types of wood with their relative crafts and weapons have been added: Green and Ebony wood
- new rare manufacts have been added, older ones will be converted to the newer ones
- all rare weapons now have custom animation, speed and knockback values
- many walking mobs have been redrawn from scratch
- many new blocks, decos and objects have been added on all planets!
- added many missing objects and blocks to creative
- each add-on has now some crafts available by default
- added starter crates near the surface
- tweaked ores distribution
- tweaked treasures distribution tables
- rebalanced food heal values
- rebalanced potions heal values
- tweaked mobs health and hit values
- tweaked mobs bounding boxes, now they should stuck less between blocks
- decreased healing potions drop chance from mobs
- crates can now rarely drop iron lumps
- water won't spawn floating on ground anymore
- new in use symbol on objects
- tweaked portal chests distribution
- slightly increased crates distribution
- added rare chests and pots on planets surface
- removed workbench requirement for stone tools
- decreased weapons drop chance from chests
- increased salt and sulphur rates on some planets
- decreased hard rocks distribution on planets
- reduced vases on all planets
- added dangerous spikes and ice on end game planets
- new liquid graphics
- new hurt sound!
- new dirt sounds have been added
- most hit sounds had their volume corrected
- tweaked mobs spawn rates
- import craftbook/potions from other players
- added scroll wheel to changelog view
- added portals Yuca -> Magmar
- fixed some minor graphical glitches
- fixed bug with stackable objects improperly loaded from player save
- fixed sticky bullets in multiplayer on clients
- fixed sticky bullets from mobs which were damaging player when unintended
- fixed durability glitch which affected stacks split with shift+click
- fix to music that was abruptly changing / stopping when unintended
- increased silence time between songs
- fixed crashes related to interaction at top of the world
- fixed some small glitches in physics engine
- many bugfixes and tweaks not listed here!
Junk Jack 3.2 Pet Hunt Update is out!:
Welcome to Junk Jack 3.2 Pet Hunt Update!
This patch adds 75 fancy rare pocket pets in all worlds which can be captured, hunt ‘em all! We’ve also added the Junk Machine, used to recycle your crafts and get new items and rare loot. Plus there are now new breedable chihuahua and hamster pets, many new features and cool items to discover, an habanero plant used to craft habanero bombs and soup, craftable concussion bombs and new rare cards used to craft pocket uber mob pets are included too. Plus many more cool things to discover and small tweaks!
Happy mining (and hunting!)
New features
- Added 75 Rare fancy pets on all planets, hunt ‘em all!
- New craftable sharpening stones, use them to repair your tools!
- New hamster cage
- New hamster pets, capture and breed them!
- Added breedable chihuahua pets!
- More blocks can now be painted
- Uber mob altars will now drop rare cards
- Combine the cards to craft unique uber mob pets
- You can also use cards as trinkets which will give you unique powers
- Valentine chests have been removed from planets
- Junk machine! Use it to recycle your crafts to get new materials and items!
- Totem spawn chance has been increased on all planets
- New habanero orange plant
- New habanero soup recipe
- New craftable habanero bombs!
- New craftable concussion bombs!
- New pocket Crosshair pet, paying homage to Junk Jack Original graphics!
- Animals will now create dung, which you can use to fertilize plants
- New craftable Pickaxe of the Giants!
- Craftable torch in a bottle which can be placed underwater
- New rare blocks can now be found on all planets
- New homage pixelated stone block which pays homage to a very known sandbox game!
- New CGA retro block
- New Tretis block!
- Added craftable vine ladders
- Added rare outline armor to give Jack an unique look!
- Added rare retro armor to give Jack a retro look!
- New droppable baseball bat weapon
- New poo head fancy equip piece
- New eye head fancy equip piece
Junk Jack is available now!:
Hello everyone, here's another update which fixes reported bugs and adds many balancing tweaks, following your feedback.
The only downside to world balance tweaks is that you need to generate a new world to see the improvements.
Also remember that Portal Chests spawn in Adventure mode only!
We hope you'll enjoy the changes!
- Wood fence doors now behave properly
- Tooltips for craft notes and spawner eggs are now properly shown
- Fixed a bug which propagated durability when dropping dragged items with right-click
- Fixed a crash while climbing a ladder to the top of the world
- Fixed a crash that occurred in Steam Multiplayer interface while selecting host or a friend
- Fixed a problem which allowed to use forbidden characters (like /, \, ? etc) in player and world names causing problems to load them afterwards
- Tooltips are no longer visible when stats panel is open
- Fixed a problem which could cause your world to disappear while renaming
- Reduced mobs minimum light required to spawn (now mobs should spawn less frequently in well lit areas)
- Added an option to choose between placing top block first or rear block first (both are modifiable through CTRL)
- Some options are now available directly from pause menu without the need to exit the game
- Ladders now allow attachment from a slightly larger distance: you can't fall in a hole 1 block wide with ladders anymore inside anymore
- It is now allowed to place plants on tiles with small props without breaking them first
- Added special utility loot crates in worlds caves
- Placing a solid block over a pet will now make it warp to the owner
- Increased underground biomes spawn chance
- Increased portal chests spawn chance
- Rebalanced ores and loot all planets
- Work in progress tweaks to weapons durability and damage
- Work in progress tweaks to slimes behaviour
- Other sound tweaks
- All sounds effects have been normalized
Junk Jack is out!:
Hello! Here's another update which fixes most reported bugs and adds requested features like the scrolling map among with many fixes and enhancements.
Have fun playing!
- Removed invisible wall at the end of the world: worlds now loop!
- Integrated achievements with Steam
- Added some new achievements
- Added scrolling to super minimap (through mouse and movement keys)
- Added customization options for world creations also for adventure mode
- Added a changelog view inside the game (reachable from credits view)
- Fixed a bug with explosions which didn't properly break rear layer
- Fixed a bug which didn't update swing speed when switching tool while digging
- Fixed a bug which prevented music from playing after a while
- Additionally tweaked light thresholds for mob spawning
- Small tweaks to mobs behavior
- Increased portal chests spawn chance
- Explosives strength slightly increased
- Small sound tweaks
- Chest drops balance tweaks
- Added potion crates in the world
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