
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

You hear it all the time; "follow your dream, dreams do come true". Does  Curso Maestro Reiki Revision  everyone have a dream? Does everyone allow themselves to dream? If they do why doesn't everyone go after their dreams?

I think they do, many people don't allow themselves to dream. And if their do get a glimmer of a dream they dismiss it as something impossible to obtain. Sadly the dream dies and their life remains the same year after year.

Don't stop dreaming because you think that your dream is unattainable. Don't stop dreaming because someone told you that what you desire is impossible to have. A dream that once felt so good to think about and seemed so possible to achieve, suddenly left us feeling silly for ever having it. So we did the only thing we could do, we packed our dream(s) safely away, not to be shared again.

If you've ever had a notion there was "more" to life, listen up - your dream is talking!

Your dreams are alive and they are always trying to get your attention. You have fed them much energy in the past but now you may have turned your back on them. How can you bring your dream back into life and into the light?

When you write out your dreams you trigger your subconscious mind to take note of your dream. You are saying I trust and I am really to honor my dram. Writing it out also forces you visualize it because as you write you are also first imagining it in your mind.

Lock your visualizations deep inside of yourself. When you honor them and allow yourself to dream you bring your full awareness and your entire being to your dream. It's life breathing life into it.


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