Title: Football Nation VR Tournament 2018
Genre: Casual, Indie, Sports
Cherry Pop Games
Cherry Pop Games
Release Date: 7 Jun, 2018
Control system is terrible as others have stated. Vive is not psvr and devs need to take advantage of the room scale that the vive offers.. The controls are amazing in the practice mode. They could do an entire game with just the practice drills. It's more difficult in actual games where things are faster and more hectic. Once you get used to it, it becomes very immersive like you're really in the game.
Some of the reviews complaining about controls are outdated because the game has been updated and more control options have been added.
What's there now is actually pretty addictive because there's a learning curve and you can improve your skills. The level of ball control is unlike anything I've seen. Basically your controller angle matches the foot angle so you swing the controller to kick the ball at any angle with your foot. Ends up feeling a lot like real soccer. I even caught myself doing the motions with my foot while I swing my hand. sure enough the ball goes where you expect it to.
Would be nice if you could play as goalkeeper. The graphics are decent but not quite as good as Final Soccer. That game's graphics with this game's ball control would be amazing.. The first vr game I swore at. Again and again and again. My team plays \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 defense and I hate them for it. Every goddamned last one of em.
Game is fun, the tourney is cool, and it's on sale.. really interesting game, i'm a big fan of soccer myself and wasn't sure about this game due to the mixed reviews,
though in my opinion the game at the very least no longer plays like the previous reviews made the game sound.
I don't know alot about this games history, but it seems to have been revamped heavily though apparently alot of players have issues with motion sickness.
As someone who doesn't have an issue with motion sickness in vr ever this isn't an issue for me at all.
The game plays quite well in my opinion, and has a feeling of playing soccer with your hands.
the locomotion for me seems to work quite well.
if there was something I could fault the game on, and something I think the game needs to improve it'd be the lack of option to have locomotion that isn't following a set direction, or following head movement,
there needs to be a third type where you can move in the direction that your controllers are running.
if there was controller directed movement in the same way as Natural locomotion this game would be incredible.
the issue of having to turn your head to the side to run around the ball, or using the strafe isn't really viable.
if the devs truly want to improve this game, they should work towards adding this as a feature as it will make their game far better. controller directed movement, or at the very least movement that isn't stuck based on where you're looking will make this game much more playable and allow players to be a lot more creative.
That being said I have had a lot of fun with the game, hope to see the devs take my point about controller directed movement into consideration.. I couldn't get past the tutorial without getting nauseous. Tried both methods of control. Artificial rotation is a BIG no-no, even with the comfort features. Ignoring that, locomotion doesn't allow strafing in any direction or looking around. There's strafing and backpedalling pressing the grips, but it's super awkward.
If you have a 180 degree setup, don't get sick with smooth rotation, and like football, you may enjoy this.. The first vr game I swore at. Again and again and again. My team plays \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 defense and I hate them for it. Every goddamned last one of em.
Game is fun, the tourney is cool, and it's on sale.. The controls are amazing in the practice mode. They could do an entire game with just the practice drills. It's more difficult in actual games where things are faster and more hectic. Once you get used to it, it becomes very immersive like you're really in the game.
Some of the reviews complaining about controls are outdated because the game has been updated and more control options have been added.
What's there now is actually pretty addictive because there's a learning curve and you can improve your skills. The level of ball control is unlike anything I've seen. Basically your controller angle matches the foot angle so you swing the controller to kick the ball at any angle with your foot. Ends up feeling a lot like real soccer. I even caught myself doing the motions with my foot while I swing my hand. sure enough the ball goes where you expect it to.
Would be nice if you could play as goalkeeper. The graphics are decent but not quite as good as Final Soccer. That game's graphics with this game's ball control would be amazing.
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