Title: Farragnarok
Genre: Casual, Simulation, Early Access
Farrago Fiction
Farrago Fiction
Release Date: 14 Feb, 2019
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this is a game about trees with nothing strange at all, nothing, dont worry about it, reaper? ehhh thats not important, the community is quite large and is available on farragofiction.com , dont worry about gigglesnort, its not important.. this is a game about trees with nothing strange at all, nothing, dont worry about it, reaper? ehhh thats not important, the community is quite large and is available on farragofiction.com , dont worry about gigglesnort, its not important.. this is a game about trees with nothing strange at all, nothing, dont worry about it, reaper? ehhh thats not important, the community is quite large and is available on farragofiction.com , dont worry about gigglesnort, its not important.
Mac Version Decommisioned For Now : So, after spending way too much time banging my head against the mac version flat out not working anymore, the conclusion I reluctantly came to was that this isn't going to be solved in a weekend. I've discontinued the mac support for now, and a bunch of googling reveals that while I can't issue a refund for the mac games, you all can request one through the normal steam process: Hopefully I do figure it out but it isn't going to be something I can do all at once without shaking myself apart. There's a LOT of complicated stuff going on here. I am really sorry for the mac users (I know there are a few of you looking forward to this). Hopefully I figure this out before LOMAT comes out.. Pre-Release Notes : Alright, so last minute fixes before the early access release: We have 8 achievements wired up. I feel really good about this, cuz it actually took like two entire weeks to decipher the ancient runes and do the necessary spells (and I STILL can't get stats working). Meanwhile I did several polish/fix passes for LOHAE. Once we actually hit RELEASE DATE I'll go back to fleshing out LOMAT's tombstone builder, and then i'll mess around with seeing if I can get Tyranno Builder output working for the Afterlife Mechanic.. Small Update: Paldemic : The Paldemic chats for LOHAE got a small update, to add a layer of hints for the first layer of the puzzles after watching MiscEris stream it on youtube (it was so great!!!) Hopefully this both helps out the achievement hunters and also adds more plot shit :) :) :). Mac Version Bug Being Fixed : Turns out the most recent version of Mac OS might not work for all users, because of the version of electron we're using? I'm working on a fix today.. Early Access is Live!!! : We did it guys! Farragnarok is a real boy now, all taking its first wobbling steps out into the world. To celebrate, it'll be 10% off this week (though since only the first Land is out its hella cheap as it is). As each Land is added, the price will go up by a small amount (a buck USD as an example). If you buy early you get a steep discount, basically, as thanks for believing in the us that believes in you :) :) :) My plan is to make a dev branch going forward, where LOMAT updates will live before its ready to be fully released.
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