
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Why do so many people fall off a low-carb diet? To sum it up, one word - bread.Total Trim 11 Review   Who can resist a warm crusty piece of bread with butter? Tough, but you can. Does following a low-carb eating style mean you can never eat bread again? No, but you will want to stay away from bread and other high carb foods while on a low-carb, optimum protein weight loss program.

Carbohydrates - what you should eat and what you should avoid -

Carbohydrates are from plants and appear in the Western Diet in the form of vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains (processed pasta, cereals, breads and sugar.) Because carbohydrates vary greatly in their nutritional value and fiber content, one must be savvy about choosing the best carbohydrates for successful weight loss, long-term health and weight management. How? By eliminating the worst offenders, those high-carb, low-fiber, processed foods that contain empty calories and by choosing low carb, high fiber, nutritionally-rich foods. Sound boring? Doesn't need to be - there are many delicious low-carb foods and cookbooks on how to prepare these delicious good-for-you carbohydrates.

The very best carbohydrate choices are found in nature, are unprocessed, and contain dietary fiber. Fiber-rich carbohydrates are lower in calories, contain vitamins and minerals, help reduce cholesterol levels, reduce fluctuations in blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and help keep the intestinal tract moving. Fiber-rich carbohydrates produce satiety, help control hunger, and should always be a large part of your daily diet.

Ever notice when you eat a piece of bread, you are never full and can eat two or three more pieces even when your meal is finished? Most breads have minimal fiber and without the fiber to bulk your stomach up, you never feel full, you keep eating, and typically overeat. This is what happens when you consume processed foods full of empty calories.


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