Title: Eselmir and the five magical gifts
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Stelex Software
Stelex Software
Release Date: 11 Jan, 2018
Resolution is too small. Graphics are mildly interesting but could use some major improvement. Too much walking. Too much "I think wordiness in prose makes a fantasy world good". In-game text is hard to read. I didn't even make it that far into the game before I had to quit.. I really enjoyed Eselmir and the Five Magical Gifts. A lovingly crafted adventure in every detail\u2014from its rich characters and world to the hand-painted aesthetic. A nice point-and-click surprise hidden in the Steam Store..
• Τεράστιο σ' έκταση, μέ δεκάδες διαφορετικές τοποθεσίες καί συμπαθητικά γραφικά.
Στα [-]
• Η υπερβολική φλυαρία στούς διαλόγους (σέ διάφορα σημεία νομίζεις ότι διαβάζεις μυθιστόρημα), η ευθύγραμμη καί καθοδηγούμενη δράση, η απλοικότητα τών γρίφων καί τό αργόσυρτο περπάτημα τού ήρωα, δημιουργούν τό κατάλληλο υπόβαθρο γιά νά σέ πάρει ο ύπνος.
• Οι γρίφοι του, πέρα από τήν ευκολία πού τούς χαρακτηρίζει (μ' εξαίρεση τά γνωστά "αινίγματα" πού θά σέ στείλουν στό λυσσάρι) αποτελούν καί μιά συλλογή απ' ό,τι πιό κλισεδιάρικο έχει κυκλοφορήσει σ' αυτό τό King's Quest στύλ παιχνιδιού.
• Τό αποκορύφωμα τής χαζομάρας:
Οχι, δέν πρόκειται γιά πραγματικό "Fatal Error" αλλά γιά τήν "προσπάθεια τού Μάγου νά σέ κοροιδέψει (!!!)", σύμφωνα μέ τά λεγόμενα τού κατασκευαστή... Τό "αστειάκι" θά μπορούσε νά λειτουργήσει (έστω...) άν χρειαζόταν ένα μόνο κλίκ γιά νά επανέρθει τό παιχνίδι στή φυσιολογική του ροή, αλλά στήν προκειμένη περίπτωση χρειάζονται καμιά δεκαριά!
• Κουραστικό καί βαρετό.
Βαθμολογία: 1,5/5
Παρεμφερείς Τίτλοι
http://adventures-index10.blogspot.com/2017/05/eselmir-and-five-mag.... I really enjoyed Eselmir and the Five Magical Gifts. A lovingly crafted adventure in every detail\u2014from its rich characters and world to the hand-painted aesthetic. A nice point-and-click surprise hidden in the Steam Store.. The game is very beautiful, with an equally beautiful story and artistry to match.. Tried to like it but didn't manage it... Respect for the guy behind it but it demands too much reading (in-game but also from the novel) and it's too slow paced (too many things to examine without a specific direction given or maybe I just didn't find it because I have no idea about the in-world history). Also the graphics didn't manage to capture me like others said. They're nicely drawn for a single picture maybe, but not as a moving background. There's also no angle, no camera position... Don't know, I tried hard but didn't manage to like it. I have finished around 40 point-and-click games so far (and I didn't like all of them) and this is just the 3rd that I quit without finishing it (the others being Dracula Origin and The Moment of Silence in case it matters). I really enjoyed Eselmir and the Five Magical Gifts. A lovingly crafted adventure in every detail—from its rich characters and world to the hand-painted aesthetic. A nice point-and-click surprise hidden in the Steam Store.
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