
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Eating Healthy and Losing Weight: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Now this goes beyond just positive thinking there is an exact science Panalean Review in which has been scientifically proven to re-wire the brain. When I got a hold of this information and began to apply it to my clients the results were amazing. These are congregations who buy in generally to the messages of love and respect at the core of their belief systems. Moderation and temperance also feature but these are by no means cultures, unlike the specific dieting-for-Jesus sub-cults, which make any great play of weight control advice.

If one seeks out other, modernist, congregations, of non-religious but like-minded believers, then the pattern repeats. It is most obvious at entrepreneurial conventions. These not closed attendance events for the members of senior professional associations, where the attendees have frequently grown plump on the back of long-term monopolistic fees. No, these are places where self-starters gather from all corners, ravenous to lap up the motivational cream from their success story idols and so nourish their own precious start-up and expansion plans.

And this is where dieting will fail its own deluded believers every time. Once the current artificial creed of what is right or wrong to eat comes to an end, as it always must, what is left to fill the sudden void within? Nothing except the cravings of old which rapidly tumble back into full and riotous flow, perpetuating the feast-famine cycle of weight un-control.

The lesson for today is that Jesus may well fill you with good things but there many other ways forward which also leave no room any longer for dieting nonsense, food worries or other such junk. Don't diet, do it - and do it with passion, relevance and meaning and draw your happier sustenance from this instead. What all of these individuals share, both sacred and secular, is a burning passion. Food is removed to a secondary, or indeed, even lesser role in their lives. Life is not measured by feeding and food fretting but rather in terms of a personal morality of creating, doing and achieving.


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