Claymore Torrent >>>
Original Title: Claymore
Genge: Animation,Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Horror,Mystery
In a world rife with deadly creatures called "youma", a young silver eyed woman, Clare, works on behalf of an organization that trains female youma halfbreeds into warriors with the ability to destroy these creatures. Considered a rogue for picking up a stray child and almost losing herself to her youma side by "Awakening", she is constantly assigned rather dangerous missions.
As has been pointed out by others, this is a complex series with a hard- line story and some pretty moving episodes. There are a few logical mistakes in it, and why I didn't give it a 10, because it was on that path, but I can't say what they are without ruining it for someone. Leave to say that there are just some characters you just don't kill off for no reason other than shock value. Some may disagree, but, for instance, if you were watching the Lone Ranger and half way through an episode he gets killed, the series is reasonably ended. You can understand why the writers wouldn't do that. In like manner, there are others you don't want to eliminate for the same reason - like Tonto, for instance. Sometimes you need a character to carry on the plot and storyline, or a character is so integral to the story that removing them would be a very unwise choice. It's why the Coyote can keep coming back even after he is blown up, pulverized, squished, or otherwise physically discombobulated: you need him! Getting rid of him would be a shock, sure, but then what have you got? Not a wise move. Some of that is done here, not to mention not giving justice to some absolutely horrible, deadly, people. That's my complaint. Otherwise, they present a very good story with appropriate action that captivates and interests, and fight scenes with beautiful females that are pleasant to watch. Despite a few flaws, which to me, as an author, are aggravating, the overall series is a very good and moving one that most people would enjoy. The fact is the same story could have been made with real people and it would have been just as good.
What a great anime series. I've watched it at least 4 times since first viewing it 6 months ago. I guess I'm still expecting what would have happened if the show was continued for another season.I agree with most other reviewers as far as the character development in this story,and that this is definitely more mature material than many other anime series. Mr. Norihiru Yagi and the other writers did an excellent job, in that the heroines in this story, while far superior to normal humans were not infallible, and the yoma monsters themselves were quite perceptive and sometimes full of surprises. In fact I rate it right along with "Lord of the Rings" trilogy as far as action,adventure,fantasy genre goes. But I think it's hard for animation to get the same level of respect as regular motion pictures. Would love it if they ever made a feature length sequel to this series.
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