Title: Buff Knight Advanced
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, RPG
Buff Studio Co.,Ltd.
Buff Studio Co.,Ltd.
Release Date: 4 Sep, 2015
English,Italian,German,Japanese,Portuguese,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese,Turkish,Korean
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Very much a "remastered phone game" smell, but ends up on the better side of the mountain of endless runner games due to the RPG mechanics and Artifact loot. Can't help but think I'd be rather playing Postknight instead if it was remastered for computers, but this is fine enough for now.. Buff Knight Advanced is a very fun and addictive game. The gameplay is not complex and so it's the perfect thing to waste some time away without thinking too much :) It is satisfying to advance always a little bit further after you died and upgraded your stats, weapons and armor. Because of that you'll end every game session with the feeling of progress. I bought this game on Android and I bought it on Steam, too. The mechanics and controls are a little bit different but they both work very well.. my c key works great.. First off, this game is not worth full price. Definitely not the $9 it was at this time. This game is pretty fun I guess. Not really sure what to say to be honest to get you to buy this or see it favorably other than I actually enjoyed it. It's pretty mind numbing to just play it and you basically have to die multiple times over and over and over again to slowly progress through the stages. I don't really mind that last part but I figured that could deter some people. The gameplay is pretty straightforward. Just push a button to use potions to heal, a button to use your magic that auto attacks the closest enemy to you, a button to attack, a button to use special abilities you pick up throughout the map and finally you can use the Dpad to air juggle enemies Don't buy this game if you're expecting something grand and fascinating. Don't get this if you want to perfect the achievements without a crazy grind. Don't get this if you don't have a controller. All in all, I would say get this game when it's on a discount and I don't think you'd be disappointed.. Buff Knight is a passable game, at $1.00 at most. The controls do not work at the start of game and the keybindings in the option menus were confusing. as for the game its the typical move forward kill things, gain gold, grow stronger repeat. This is fine, but there isnt much besides that. There are lots of stats and gear to upgrade but it only ever really changes the numbers you deal to the enemies. also i ended up buying things on one upgrade page while on another, doesnt seem like the code for the other menus is frozen while not being looked at. If this goes on sale to something like $1 to $2 you can think of buying this. but otherwise for +$5 there are other more enertaining games then this.
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