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BLADESTORM: Nightmare Keygen

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About This Game

After 7 years, BLADESTORM: Nightmare has returned and makes its debut on Windows!
Experience the ultimate expression of the series with “Direct X”!

[Features 5d3b920ae0

Title: BLADESTORM: Nightmare
Genre: Action
Release Date: 28 May, 2015


  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 (64bit required)
  • Processor: Core i7 870 2.8GHz or better
  • Memory: 2


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Wow. Not sure what I was expecting when I started playing this game, but this was different from that. Letu2019s start with some basics. First, unlike in the Warriors series of games, you are NOT a God. You need the support of your troops. In fact, in this game, you lead a squad of troops into battle as a mercenary. There is no right or wrong side to play for, and actually keeping your contracts about even between serving England and France is a good idea. That is not to say that as you get higher in levels in your chosen troop type that you wonu2019t steamroll units on lower difficulty maps, but you can still get into trouble if you donu2019t keep an eye on what is happening. Second, the graphics are a bit dated. This is because Nightmare is basically an upgrade to the original Bladestorm, Hundred Years War. That title came out in 2007, and only on consoles. Nightmare has an additional u201cNightmareu201d story that came out in 2015. There is au2026 rather obvious difference in some of the graphic qualities. Also, since this is more or less a port, there might be some issues from that process. As to the stories themselves. Hundred Years War takes place during the Hundred Years War (duh) between England and France. If you have not beforehand, you will be prompted to create a mercenary for use. You start out as a novice mercenary, and your first choice is which side to fight for in your opening battle. There is a short tutorial where you learn how to use swordsmen (infantry), horses (cavalry), and archers (ranged). You can skip this tutorial on any subsequent playthrough (including a new Nightmare playthrough). From there, the game proceeds in four acts (five if you count the past CLEAR). During these acts, you mostly choose which contracts to accept between English and French offers. Your object is to gain enough fame and SP to trigger other events (some of which seem to be necessary to proceed). For instance, the first act needs you to partake in the Black Princeu2019s first battle, then take part in the Chevauchu00e9es. These are the preludes to the Battle of Cru00e9cy. Each act is ended by a major battle. The first three of which you can choose your side. These are Cru00e9cy, Poitiers, and Orlu00e9ans. The first two are only important so you can see how one side works or the other. Historically, the English won both of those by slaughtering knights with archery. I should note, that you get the opportunity to add other squads as underlings. They do need to be other created mercenaries. Orlu00e9ans, on the other hand, is THE pivotal battle. This is the siege where Joan of Arc became the Maid of Orlu00e9ans. As such, the French won that battle. It is also the pivotal decision point. It determines whether you will get the English ending or the French one. Now, these stories are NOT historically accurate. Edward, the Black Prince was dead long before Orlu00e9ans, but is the primary figure on the English side. Joan is the primary figure for the French, but one of the missions you will eventually unlock (in Act 4) is to rescue her from prison in Rouen. Historically, she was burned at the stake there as a witch. And then there is the final battle on the English side: Agincourt. In terms of story, Agincourt takes place at the end of Act 4, after Orlu00e9ans. Wellu2026 the actual Battle of Agincourt took place in 1415. The Siege of Orlu00e9ans took place in 1428-1429. The French line ends at Bordeaux. Which is actually the last major battle of the war. Nightmareu2019s story is nine chapters long, somewhat linear, and frankly has little replay value, save for three factors. One is getting all the new tomes placed in that storyline. Which reminds me, you will want to collect all the different tomes/pages of unit types and options. There are a few side quests that require you to acquire most of them. The second replay attraction to Nightmare is to get all the side characters unlocked. Doing so not only gives you an achievement (or two), but another character and one of the hidden pages free (because the secret character uses that particular unit). The final reason is if you want to hear the voice acting in both Japanese and English. Frankly, this may be the only Koei game where English voice acting FITS. The replay value of the game is more on the Hundred Years War side. Trying out different units can be fun. Wanting to run through it with each merc youu2019ve created also helps with that. And the characters are just engaging in a way. The biggest issue is that Act 2 can seem to lag. Well, this is actually due to two details. There are a lot of story and rumor quests that trigger and HAVE to trigger to get to Poitiers. The other thing is that all of those quests are going to add-up in Fame. Enough so that you will fill up the max for that level long before you get to the end. It does not help that the lowest difficulty missions still give you Fame at that point, and some of the rumor quests give you additional Fame. I fully recommend this game. While somewhat pricy, you will get a LOT for that price.. I bought this game on sale since I thoroughly enjoyed playing the XBOX360 version years ago. This version of the game seems to have some updated graphics and an additional "Nigtmare" campaign with fantasy elements. Gameplay wise the game can get a little repetative because you are fighting similar battles over and over again but I think that the fact that you can choose your own squads and vary between swordsmen, cavalry and even magic units makes up for a most of that. The story is pretty nice but nothing too special, however the soundtrack of this game is actually amazing. The music just keeps pushing you and your squad forward to whoop someu2665u2665u2665u2665u2665 All in all I think that 60 euros / dollars is way too much for an updated game that's 12 years old, but if you like this genre and the game happens to be on sale I'd definitely recommend it! Technical stuff: - Runs smoothly at 60 FPS on my machine: i5 8600k, 1070TI, and 16GB RAM. I tried setting it to 144 FPS (by tinkering with v-sync), but that didn't work out for me as I got spooked by the fact that this causes the cursor animation to triple in speed for reasons I don't what to know about. - The game hasn't crashed on me yet, so it seems to be performing a lot better than when it came out. - I use an XBOX one controller which worked out of the box. The only downside is that the game gives the tutorial instructions in keyboard bindings, so you have to figure out which buttons to press on your own. Lucky for me, the controls are the same as for the original XBOX360 game so I didn't have much trouble.. European History with Japanese characters, why not?

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