Title: Warhammer Vermintide - Sienna 'Wyrmscales' Skin
Genre: Action, Indie
Release Date: 12 Jul, 2017
She looks hot.. This skin is sick.look if you are a fan of warhammer and love customization i would say buy it.if you arent into these types of things then dont get it. Basically do what you want but i love all the skins and i will glady pay for these so they pave way for more exquisite skins in the future. I could only dream of fathsark doing somehting like this and now they have i am really happy and satisifed with my purchase and if you love warhammer and like vermintide support fatshark so we can get more stuff like this.. SIMPLY MAGNIFICENT. Overpriced palette swapped skin.. Love this game.. The skin really suits Sienna and looks real classy on her. You main the mage then treat her to a new skin.. Why is ONE skin this expensive?
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