Title: Artisan: Going Home Again
Genre: Casual, Indie, RPG, Simulation
Unseen Kingdom Studios
Unseen Kingdom Games
Release Date: 14 Sep, 2016
Short but fun. I like how you can do a new game plus with your upgraded stats.. I love the crafting system.. I decided to buy the game right after playing the demo because I wanted to know what would happen at the end! The game is well organized and a little repetitive, but it's required to build up on stats and practically every game is repetitive so I guess it's to be expected. I love the art and the music (it's very cute), and the story was also well thought-out. The format of the game is similar to an otome game, but the purpose isn't as romance-driven and you are given a little more control over the character's life. Although I was completely not expecting a moral lesson from this game, it also gave me an insight to the responsibilities I would have as an adult and how I would have to balance my life in the future through the character's need for sleep (for health), inspiration, experience, and social points.. This game is sweet, cute, and fun! You guide or heroine through her new life as an artist-for-hire. It isn't really like Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley at all. There is no time limit or even a time component at all really, you go through the days of the week but the months are not even seperated. That's a good thing is this game's case - the pretty arwork along with the really sweet music make this one of the most relaxing games I've played in months!. Short but fun. I like how you can do a new game plus with your upgraded stats.. PLAY THE DEMO FIRST!
So unique and clever! The art and music make it a joy to play.
The mechanics combine aspects of time managment, product selling, skill growth, and social relationships. You can do more than just Art (write a book, creating outfits for yourself to boost stats, ect.). I decided to buy the game right after playing the demo because I wanted to know what would happen at the end! The game is well organized and a little repetitive, but it's required to build up on stats and practically every game is repetitive so I guess it's to be expected. I love the art and the music (it's very cute), and the story was also well thought-out. The format of the game is similar to an otome game, but the purpose isn't as romance-driven and you are given a little more control over the character's life. Although I was completely not expecting a moral lesson from this game, it also gave me an insight to the responsibilities I would have as an adult and how I would have to balance my life in the future through the character's need for sleep (for health), inspiration, experience, and social points.. Short but fun. I like how you can do a new game plus with your upgraded stats.. After playing the demo my sister and I decided to buy the game... And we weren't disappointed. We really liked the game\u2019s art and music, but above all else we just loved the relationship between the characters. Their personalities are well developed and their stories are quite engaging. We\u2019ve enjoyed all the endings we\u2019ve unlocked till the moment (the hidden dress is a very nice touch). Right now we\u2019re kind of stuck trying to unlock ending number 8, 9, 11 and 15 (by the way we\u2019ll be really grateful for any hint about how to get them).
Do we recommend this game? Absolutely! We liked it a lot and we'll be definitely looking for other projects from this developer.
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