Title: Aerofly FS 2 - Switzerland
Genre: Indie, Simulation
Release Date: 14 Jul, 2016
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10/10 great!!. As someone who has created textures for sims, I am blown away by the consistency and beauty of the texture work these guys do. Of course I'd prefer some higher res textures here and there, or at least that option. But they do have to keep file sizes on this side of galactic; some folks have several terabytes worth of textures in their sims. At 10 bucks, this is a no brainer when you consider what other add-ons can cost for P3d/FSX. You can spend more for a single scenery area in FSX than this entire sim + this add on offer. While it's not quite ORBX level of detail, I can't say I've seen an overall better looking and performing product. I look forward to the system depth and customizability that will kick this sim into first place on the market.. PLEASE MAKE MORE USA SCEANERY LOVE AEROFLY BETTER THATN FSX. It's gorgeous!. I have just bought Aerofly FS 2 - Switzerland. This is in my FS-2 library. But it's not in my FS 2 scenery.. How many GB this DLC
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