Title: A Light in the Dark
Genre: Casual, Indie
CreSpirit, Storia, Narrator
Sekai Project
Release Date: 15 Jun, 2018
English,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese
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This is...one of my most favorite VN...damn I couldn't say anything more....must try it yourself. I cried, cried more, and cried a lot ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ. This woke the M inside of me. This game is a very meaningful game.
have u never asked yrself why the world is so unfair, why do some ppl get an easier life just for being born in a better situation than u.
having thought about those or not this game make u experience the cruel reality that the world is.
this game end goal is escaping from the kidnapper alive.
however the interactions with the kidnapper was wht i really love about this game the character felt real, the interactions felt genuine, they felt alive.
i hope if u read until here u would buy the game and support it. :)
. just from the demo you know this game is amazing. the story it's the important thing, and it's good. you can play the very generous demo to find out yourself
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