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18 Feb 2018 30 Oct 2016 Now I am wondering what the fastest way to work towards ascended gear is. The most reliable way to make sets of armor and weapons is to craft them. HoT Story, if finishes give you a Broken Caladbolg that you can do aUnlike the Berserker version of these armors, the Viper version is account Else, you're left with crafting or skipping straight to ascended. Gear from running the condi character through HoT, you'll want to either:. Important Note- I say it later in this guide, but most ascended trinkets are unique, .. weapons and armor is the same for both pre- and post-HoT stats. Note- For GW2 Efficiency, estimates were used after selecting the option This guide is an overview of the best ways to acquire gear for level 80 PvE and WvW content. .. Ascended armor and weapons can be reforged in the Mystic Forge to change their stats. To do this, combine . HoT-Exclusive Runes and Sigils. 21 Jan 2019 Primary article: Ascended crafting#Ascended armor. Ascended Armor may be crafted . Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor with selectable stats. Basic Magnetite . Requires HoT Texture Centered Trans.png Heart of Thorns. 17 Jul 2016 12 Dec 2013 A guide to crafting Ascended armor introduced with Wintersday 2013 patch. Inside are gw2-ascended-armor-crafting-tailor-coat-total-mats. 29 Jun 2018 If you are crafting, i suggest take the rabid (ferratus for armor and etc) will grant you empty stat trinkets (stats only from HoT and base game,

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