Title: Viki Spotter: Space Mission
Genre: Casual, Indie
For Kids
For Kids
Viki Spotter
Release Date: 11 May, 2018
Funny bright and beautifully designed game about comparing two pictures for differences, this time space theme is on: every difference gets the achievement - easy to make it a perfect game.. Very fun series. Still to short though. Can not wait for the next one. 11\/10.. Pretty fun difference game. My partner and I blew through it in .6 hours; 100%. Sound off and something else in the background.. Viki Spotter is a quite random game series from "for Kids Games" of simple flash graphics "spot the difference". The screen is split into half horizontally or vertically. You have to find other colorized or removed objects and point them out in the upper screen. An infinite hint function helps you if you get into any trouble. Mostly you play like 24 levels. 1 Level complete means earn 1 achievement. The games are usually overpriced with 2 EUR for just half an hour gameplay. So just wait for all parts getting just 0.39 EUR. The soundtrack is quite nervewracking so just switch it off.
Viki Spotter: Space Mission - Dark space, rockets, stars, foreign galixies, mars aliens with 3 eyes - spot the differences. Just another Viki Spotter game.
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