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About This Game

The stealth genre gets turned on its head in The Marvellous Miss Tak 5d3b920ae0

Title: The Marvellous Miss Take
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Rising Star Games
Release Date: 20 Nov, 2014


  • OS: Microsoft® Windows 7
  • Processor: 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or better
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM


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W4MM - Looking to play! Want to chase me around an art gallery with dogs and alarms? (London) You: A bunch of chunky goons; 6ft+ only Must be radiating a translucent cone from your eyes to indicate your field of vision Men in uniform with random patrol paths Me: A lithe, classy redhead in a hat (you'll know me when I drop the hat and run when you spot me) Into toys :) and I will bring them (glue, cat noise makers, teleporters; that's how I like it) The stealthiest fun you will ever have! ;) Catch me while you can, boys! If you're into pure stealth experiences The Marvellous Miss Take certainly knows how to please. I myself am often found crouched in the shadows, stuffing things into my pockets, being the creep that I am. And, as such, I can tell you what makes a great stealth game. An adequate stealth game gives you steady feedback on how visible you are at any given time and makes it clear how alert your opponents are. A good stealth game is all about cunning movement, where actively removing threats is impossible or undesirable. A great stealth game takes all of the above, adds a heap of character, and then does something you've never quite seen before. Miss Take is a great stealth game. Like spitting into the hair of a tall guy a couple rows in front of you in a dark and crowded movie theater, The Marvelous Miss Take is a pure stealth experience. You cannot incapacitate guards and your goal is to get the loot and get out without being caught. If you get caught, you lose. However, where Miss Take really shines is in its focus on getting into and fleeing from danger. You could take your time on every level and get through the game easily. But if you want to get through well, you'll have to beat the par times for each level. This might sound awful to old stealth hats, but the game doesn't punish you for being seen as long you can get away. And as anyone who has run naked down a public street of a major city knows, that has some veracity (provided you have no obvious tattoos or weird scars). In fact, being seen is a great way to get the guards to stop patrolling near the loot and come stomping to where you decided to give them a show (as most fellows will). At least this is how it plays for two of the characters. What!? Multiple characters and playstyles? Take a minute to collect your popped monocle, reader. Yes, Miss Take has three characters that play quite differently. With the eponymous Miss Take you have to collect all the paintings in each level and you are usually given some sort of tool to help: smoke bombs to hide, noise makers to distract guards, a teleporter to move quickly to where you throw it, etc. However, if somebody notices you and you run for it, she'll drop her hat, which you have to get back before you exit, making drastic evasion riskier. Her extra goals are to beat a par time and collect loot behind display cases you have to smash (alerting anyone nearby). Your first ally is a more traditional thief, who can't run but has no par time to beat. Your optional goal is to take your time and not be seen. His inclusion was especially nice, since that's the sort of trimming-a-bonzai-tree, patient experience I play stealth games for and lets aficionados of the genre feel like they can ease out of their comfort zone. And finally, the third is a teenage pick-pocket who has to get up close to a guard, stay there for long enough to snatch a key and then unlock a safe that will set off a blaring alarm. She has no tools, but she doesn't drop her hat when she springs into action like a kangaroo wearing moon shoes. Once again, the goal is to do it quick (certainly not what she said). This plays out over 25 levels, which you will go through once for each character with minor changes for each one. Much like the interiors of our protagonists' purses, it's an impressive amount of content. And the difficulty most certainly rises to meet your mounting skills (oh my!), with later levels adding threats like security cameras, dogs that will pick up your scent, and lasers that will limit your movement. Add these to the basic threat of guards with random movement patterns, and you have yourself a challenge, sir. Fortunately, the game also gives you tools to deal with the rising chaos. Miss Take's tools are obvious, but each character can make a sound to draw guards to the area; controlling their movement for a time (and without breaking the stealth bonus for our traditional thief). This is essential, since while random patrols provide a pleasant risk, it would be terrible if you had to wait for them to move into or out of the ideal position for half an hour while the RNG has declared the order of the day is back and forth like the ping pong savants' international tournament for obsessive compulsives. And if this extensive love letter to Miss Take isn't enough, the aesthetic of the game is perfectly fitting a game about art and the acquisition thereof. The soundtrack is stellar, with a good selection of lovely hard bop jazz. The models are fairly simple, but the animation is good looking and lively and the use of bright colors make sure Miss Take looks timeless rather than basic. The characterization of our heroes is strong and - despite their seemingly misanthropic profession - they're made quite likable, like a bunch of posh Robin Hoods, in comparison to the completely deplorable villain. The game isn't terribly verbose (unlike me), but the dialogue that is there is often witty and enjoyable. Miss Take does have her worts, they're just small and mostly out of sight (like behind the knee or something). Despite the quantity of levels and the small efforts to make differences between them for each of the characters, the setting for every level is the same style of art gallery. Only the layout and time of day changes. Graphics options are pretty solid, but it gets a little funny about the resolution when alt+tabbing out of the game. You can't fine tune the volume controls or rebind keys. I found using pure mouse control to be less than smooth, but using the keyboard to walk fixed that (the 360 controller also works). And the glue tool has some problems. For some reason glued enemies would stay alert and constantly aware of my position until the glue ended, causing some problems. But really, if Miss Take were a painting, the stain of these would only amount to a single drop of coffee from the spit-take at how otherwise amazing it is. So, yeah, The Marvelous Miss Take is easily the best stealth game I have played in some time. Worth twenty dollars? Maybe, if you just need your skulking in shadows fix. I'd probably recommend waiting until it goes on sale for ten bucks. But absolutely get it then. If stealth is your thing, you won't be disappointed. If stealth isn't your thing? Well, Miss Take won't go out of her way to court you, but if you meet her halfway, she might provide you a chance to get into it (ba-zing). One Last Note: I read a couple comments to effect that some people were put off of this game by Feminist Frequency's endorsement of it. I won't jump to any conclusions about those that might feel wary about that. Frankly, if a group that is about a social/political agenda, even one I was involved with, was pushing a game, I'd probably be concerned that I'd just have to sit through a parade of their memes rather than a game I enjoy. Don't worry about that. The Marvelous Miss Take will appeal to feminists for obvious reasons (and good for Miss Take for hitting that demographic), but it isn't a feminist game. It's a stealth game. A really, really good stealth game. A great stealth game.. I finished Chapter one, I like the game, so far that I played there isn't much to the story. But the game play is fun, the controls are a little off, but beside that it's fun! But I think 19.99$ is a bit overpriced, but thanks to the Steam Sale I got it for 9.99$ Which feels like a better price 8/10. Saw this game on a You Tube video list of favorite games you've probably never played, and it sounded interesting. The graphics are simple and fun, the music is perfect, and the gameplay is clever and interesting. It's not perfect, and there are some frustrations, especially in the last few levels. Also, for those looking to be challenged, it's not a very difficult game, nor does it take a very long time to play through all of the levels. However, if you enjoy a casual game that you can play for 15-20 minutes at a sitting and then come back to later, this is it! Probably not worth the full price, definitely worth picking up on sale.. Classic Stealth Gaming ACTION at its best. No violence, just good 'ol stealin' stuff! For the total playtime of 20 hours and 40 minutes, it was very much worth the $10 I spent when I grabbed it during the Steam Winter Holiday Sale 2014. The only problem, which is a work in progress at the moment, is full proper Gamepad support. I played 99% of the time with my Xbox 360 wireless gamepad, only used the keyboard to start the 'heists' AKA Missions. Other than that, I had no problems with the gameplay.. The Marvellous Miss Take is a brilliant game. The fact that the guards actions are unpredictable makes the game especially entertaining to do as you are always having to think whilst in movement, to stop you from being caught. The game creates a vast sense of tension during your heist- with a game like this it really depends on your style of gameplay, as it is a stealth game- you have a few types of dealing with the guards; you can either lure the guards to investigate your current location as you swiftly move in the other direction, or you can simply wait for the guards to start to patrol- a very stealthy way to make yourself across the map. Sadly, you cannot get the feel of this game by watching the trailer or gameplay videos on youtube; it is better to simply get hands on. If you have played other games like this then there is no doubt you 'll like it. There are only two bad thing I have noticed with this game so far is that the tutorial lulls you into a false sense of security before you start the proper game- where it begins to make the maps more complicated and the guards' actions more unpredictable. Secondly, the avatar moves at a very slow pace, but it is not too much of an issue as so do the other characters- guards. As of yet I have noticed no bugs and there is no issues with the gameplay The artwork is superb, it may not have the brilliant graphics of Crysis 3 at maximum, but it is very artistic and brightly coloured and has an almost cartoony look to it. Full controller support is very appealing to a game like this as it allows people to easily work through the game if they tend to consoles more themselves. I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys stealth games and likes thinking on their feet. If you have a slow mind and cannot cope with fast paced situations I do not recommend this game to you as it requires you to move if the guards see you, not just hide. If you have never played a stealth game before I reccomend this game as a starter for you amateurs.. This is a fun game overall. If you like stealth games, it's worth a try, but I do have some gripes as well. 1. Time limits seem counterintuitive for a stealth game. 2. There should be a dedicated reset button. 3. The menu cursor is very hard to see. 4. there's a lot of randomness with the guards. I certainly had fun and there were some tense moments. I suggest waiting for a sale, though. The game's good, but it's not $20 good.. The Marvellous Miss Take from what I see is a mix of two TV shows, The Nanny, and Kim Possible, and I love the fact that it reminds me of those two shows. Talking about the game, it's a top-down, non-lethal stealth stealth game, and it's a simple one with it's simple and good looking graphics/art style, simple controls, and simple objectives and gameplay, and it's simplicity is really nice to be honest. The game is pretty looking with colorful cozy colors, coupled with a few nice sound tracks. The story isn't anything special but it's good for what the game is, and sets the background and reasons for what you do, which is stealing valuable art and the like. The stealth part of the game is pretty direct with a couple of enemies to deal with, with their line of sight and whatnot (also dogs), and cameras, lasers, you get the idea, and everything about those are pretty good with the enemy's movement being random and unpredictable. You also get nice toys to play around with depending on the level and a noise maker that

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