Title: Street Fighter V - Original Characters Battle Costume 1 Pack
Genre: Action
Street Fighter
Release Date: 10 May, 2017
English,French,Italian,German,Arabic,Japanese,Korean,Polish,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese
Hard to pass it up for $9. This is fantastic. Really worth it for the 7.49 that it's on offer for. Strange coincidence: I was about to purchase the Battle Costume pack this month regardless, but at this price, it's an utter steal! Thanks for the awesome deal!. A new outfit for 16 characters. Its a good deal for 70% off, but not so much for full price.... Acquire all these Premium Battle Costumes (C3) for the original 16 characters.
Getting this pack like getting a 37% off offer in game.
One more question, can I get a refund since I've already purchased some characters' Battle Costumes in game before?
The answer is No!. Yess! This is a nice costume pack. I had to buy 1 individual costume for for characters included in season pass 3. The female characters look sexy in battlecostumes \ud83d\udc4c\ud83e\udd18\ud83e\udd17. I got this because I like the Battles costumes.
It's nice to be able to get them together in one package.
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