
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Warning this could happen toPure GreensYOU! Poor sick Warren!! He's our friend from Australia and was traveling all over the US for two months. When he was in Santa Monica, he became so violently ill that he had to go to the hospital. Doctors gave Warren antibiotics to treat salmonella poisoning. For two days Warren couldn't lift his head off his pillow without the room spinning. The bed and bathroom were the only places he visited. Obviously the medication was not working.

Warren suddenly remembered how well our fermented probiotic liquids worked to kill bad bacteria. Desperate, Warren called up begging me to bring him some Pro-Belly-Otic ASAP. His favorite is Lime-Mint, but he hadn't been drinking any of our products on this trip. As soon as he got the Pro-Belly-Otic, Warren drank half of a 500ml bottle and within half an hour the room stopped spinning. Warren was so happy to be feeling better that he drank the second half of the bottle, and within two hours, he felt human again.

Now this is an excessive amount of Pro-Belly-Otic to take, and is NOT the usual recommended 1-2 ounces per serving. The point is - Warren had already been to the hospital AND been on antibiotics, and still felt shitty - literally and figuratively. He was stuck in a hotel room and wanted to get on with his trip.

The three other people with Warren did not get as sick, but definitely had bowel issues as well. When Warren was leaving the hotel he told the clerk how ill he had been. Guess what he found out? About one third of the people in the hotel had come down with something too. Who knows - was it from the buffet breakfast or a local restaurant? We'll never know.

Warren is now going to carry bottles of Pro-Belly-Otic with him whenever he is traveling. He doesn't want this to happen again. It's not easy to eat healthy on the road. Sometimes it's fast food on the go, or overly rich dinners and desserts. The bad bacteria in your gut love to feed on these sugary and processed foods. They can outnumber the good bacteria in your gut pretty quickly. Warren is a good example. He had not had our Pro-Belly-Otic for over a month and his gut was already back on the road to imbalance with bad bacteria leading the pack. If you're like Warren, with the bad bacteria out numbering the good in your gut - BEWARE. If you get salmonella or e.coli on vacation, there may not be enough good bacteria to fight them off. Fermented Probiotic foods help keep the good bacteria going so they can fight the bad bacteria.


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