
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

When you are knee deep in the swamp with alligators Brainwave Shots Review  nipping at you from all directions, it is difficult to remember that your purpose was to drain the swamp.Each disciplined effort provides a snowball effect. Each one builds on the next until the desired outcome materializes. In the meantime, reach back into your memory banks and recall one or more of your most treasured success feelings. Feeling is the operative word. People respond to feelings more than logic. Recapture that feeling of exhilaration when you achieved a major goal. Internalize that feeling so well that you can recall it at a moment's notice. Knowing how to celebrate your success and potential helps with the times when things are not going as well as you desire.

Everyone has down times emotionally and financially. Allowing yourself to wallow in self pity never creates a positive outcome. Reach back into prior success and recapture that positive feeling.Create new software for your self talk and the language you use to others. Broke sales people reek of the scent of failure. Your thoughts, feelings and attitudes reflect in your words and vibrations. It is imperative that you internalize feelings of success.

Positive self talk always focuses on "I can," "I am," "I am in the process of," "I earn," I will," and "I have achieved and I will again." Set your goals and focus on each one as already accomplished. Attach the feeling of success to each goal. Visualize the goals as already accomplished and savor the feeling you will have with that accomplishment. Feel the success and experience it with all five senses. Put a picture of the success as if it is already achieved front and center. Keep your focus on the goal and wading through the temporary swamp will feel so much easier.

Success is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration. As Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher, was told when he was 25, "lack of money is not the problem. Lack of an idea to create money is the problem." Focus on your natural creativity and discover that idea. If you already have the idea, then focus on the positive achievement. The bigger the idea, the longer you will need to develop it, shape it and bring it to fruition. Little ideas only need a helicopter pad; here it comes and there it goes. Test your ideas on paper until you are clear, and then test it on other like-minded, progressive thinkers. They may offer tweaks which will speed your progress.


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