
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

NEGATIVE_SPACE Activation Code [portable]

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About This Game

Jump, Switch, Die, Repeat! In NEGATIVE_SPACE you're a sentient cube that one day breaks off of the wall and sets out to explore the world. In order to make it past the seemingly impassable obstacles in your path, you must switch the world inverting it between black and white so you can reach the portal at the end of the room.

Precision platforming and well executed timing will be needed in conjunction with fast-paced switching if you ever hope to escape the Negative Space.

  • 90+ levels of hardcore precision platforming
  • Secret levels to unlock and discover
  • Unique and interesting mechanics to explore and combine
  • Evolving background music with each level by PJ Vilsaint
  • Xbox 360 and Xbox One controller support

Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Inside Out Games LLC
Inside Out Games LLC
Release Date: 2019


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