Title: Last Defense
Genre: Adventure, Indie, Strategy
AYE Technology
AYE Technology
Release Date: 9 Jan, 2018
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10 waves, 1level, about 5 minutes gameplay. What's going on? Notwithstanding, I liked the radial menu and the ability to place barricades - just give me some content.. Abandon all hope, ye who buy this game. 10 waves in one level. I 'finished' this game in 11 minutes.. Even for the price, this game is lacking. There are only 10 waves of enemies total. I was able to complete the game with only 2 towers. That's it. 5-10 minutes tops. There are also a couple issues with game mechanics. Upgrading or rotating towers seems awkward/unresponsive.. Even for the price, this game is lacking. There are only 10 waves of enemies total. I was able to complete the game with only 2 towers. That's it. 5-10 minutes tops. There are also a couple issues with game mechanics. Upgrading or rotating towers seems awkward/unresponsive.. 10 waves, 1level, about 5 minutes gameplay. What's going on? Notwithstanding, I liked the radial menu and the ability to place barricades - just give me some content.. Not really a game more like a demo. No options menu. Force fullscreen and changes your resolution. Can't hit Esc as that actualy quits the game. Single level that was very easy to beat. The idea for a game is there and I wished the developer would have made a whole game of it.. Even for the price, this game is lacking. There are only 10 waves of enemies total. I was able to complete the game with only 2 towers. That's it. 5-10 minutes tops. There are also a couple issues with game mechanics. Upgrading or rotating towers seems awkward/unresponsive.. Abandon all hope, ye who buy this game. 10 waves in one level. I 'finished' this game in 11 minutes.. Not really a game more like a demo. No options menu. Force fullscreen and changes your resolution. Can't hit Esc as that actualy quits the game. Single level that was very easy to beat. The idea for a game is there and I wished the developer would have made a whole game of it.. Hey, I'm Scar from "MostlyNegative". After playing are reviewing this game with live reactions I wanted to write a quick review with some of my thoughts on the game overall. These ideas will appear as dot points with explanations after each point. - Game options: There aren't any, no option to reduce game volume (other than in PC settings), no resolution options, no windowed/fullscreen/borderless options. I would like at least the option to pick windowed so I can tab out of the game to change the volume settings if they aren't put in the game. - Gameplay Pros: The leveling up system of the towers, starting at 90 degrees visual radius is a really nice feature. I like how it breaks the mould from most other tower defence games. The visual design of the characters is nice. - Gameplay Cons: I was not sure what the visual effect of the snowflake was signifying. To begin with I thought it was healing the enemy troops, then once two of my towers fell down I figured out it was damaging them. I feel the health bars over all of the entities could be shorter but thicker, with a heavy black border around them. This would make it easier to tell what was happening. Although the charters designs looked good, and slowly introducing a new enemy in each level is fairly standard for Tower Defence games, it usually requires having more than one level to do that. Once I had completed the first ten waves and was greeted by the fade away screen, I thought, "oh boy, it's time for level 2!". - Worth: I have a simple guide to a game's worth that I use. Which is hours played divided by dollar value, if the number is above one, then you have made a good value for money game, if it is below one, then your game needs more content. This game scores 0.17, which is unfortunately well below the acceptable score of one or higher. The solution: - More enemies - More levels - Settings You're already done the hard yards by making the game, all the back end coding is done, all that is left is to copy and paste that code and create new enemies with different skill sets. I'm sure there would be people out there willing to submit level designs and sprites. This could eventually be an awesome community made game. Level building/submission options could be awesome. All in all, it's not a bad base for a game, however the price point and lack of content leaves much to desire. Please don't have these reviews taint your skill and drive to do more. This is here to hopefully push you to add more and make a truly great game. For the video review you can check out "NegativeMostly" on twitter.
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