Title: Haunted Train: Spirits of Charon Collector's Edition
Genre: Adventure, Casual
Deep Shadows Games
Big Fish Games
Haunted Train
Release Date: 10 May, 2017
haunted train spirits of charon collector's edition. haunted train spirits of charon collector's edition walkthrough
Full of glitches and errors. It's all fine until your inventory bar completely disappears and won't re-open!. the story is good and the puzzles are well done. problem is when the game is almost done it gets bugged and wont let me keep going. sorry but its broken. the story is good and the puzzles are well done. problem is when the game is almost done it gets bugged and wont let me keep going. sorry but its broken. Full of glitches and errors. It's all fine until your inventory bar completely disappears and won't re-open!
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