
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Our capacity to learn from birth, until around eighteen is dramatic; this accelerated learning curve Curso Maestro Reiki Review equips us to learn a staggering amount in a very short space of time. We learn language, culture, manners, social skills, history, science, and mathematics-everything that makes us human. For some people this accelerated learning curve continues long after their eighteenth birthday and continues for most of their lives, but unfortunately for most people, it levels off as soon as soon as they get their first job. People are just inherently lazy, if there are no more exams to take, why waste time reading books or trying to grow your knowledge.

Look at a new born baby and then look at an eighteen year old adult. Can you see the dramatic growth that has occurred in a mere eighteen years? Can you imagine if you continue that accelerated growth curve, for the rest of your life and every eighteen years, you get to see the same dramatic growth in yourself? Can you imagine how you can accelerate your personal growth and how you will stand out from the herd? Imagine what you could become, the skills you could learn, the capacities you could develop, it is just too staggering to imagine.

Self doubt is much like the killer disease in that it can actually kill any chances of you becoming successful! It almost doesn't matter what level of skills you may have if you lack confidence for any reason your own efforts will likely be counterproductive keeping you from your goals! Our discussion here today has more to do with 'how' your doubts can keep you from becoming successful and not where they may have originated. Let's look at 3 ways doubting yourself can actually create an almost impenetrable barrier.

With a subconscious that never takes a rest saturated with doubts about your ability to become successful the outcome seems inevitable! Your thoughts and efforts need to be focused and positive to achieve most anything but when you lack confidence this makes things very difficult! As your inner being is saying you 'can't' it tends to nullify any physical efforts you make much like trying to run in quicksand! Remember your subconscious is 'working' on your 24/7 so that even when you're asleep negative thoughts continue to course through you.


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