Set goals. The evidence is clear. People who actually Uncompromised Life Review clarify and write out their goals are infinitely more likely to achieve them than the people who don't. Make them clear and specific. Energetically, there's a big difference between, "Make more money this year," and "earn at least $100,000 in 2010." State your goals in a clear and measurable way, so that it is easy to tell whether or not you have achieved the goal.Align your goals with your purpose. The clearer you are about your purpose, about what ignites your passion and is truly "on track," for you in your life, the more energy you'll naturally have as you pursue your goals, and the less likely you'll be to get distracted or discouraged along the way. Not clear on your purpose Stay tuned for an upcoming article on Honing in on Your Purpose.
Decide to make your relationships even better! Make a list of your relationships with family, friends and co-workers and look at how you could improve them. How would you rate each of your relationships on a scale from 1 to 10 What could you do, or stop doing, to increase that rating Make a decision to raise the rating of each relationship, and create a plan!
Create time and space for yourself. Running on empty can be the fastest way to sabotage your goals. What refuels you Even if it's just 10 minutes a day to sit still and do nothing - Make Time for Yourself! Start small, maybe 5 minutes a day of movement (sun salutes are a simple and powerful yoga exercise that will really get your blood pumping and your body loosened up, even in only 5 minutes) and 5 minutes of sitting (meditation is great, but so is just plain old day dreaming). After a week of 5 minutes of each, see if you can increase this to 10. In a month or two, work your way up to 20 minutes a day of movement, and 20 minutes a day of sitting. By the way, sitting in a tub of warm water doubles or even triples the relaxation benefit!
Create support structures for yourself and your goals. Have you noticed how hard it can be to keep promises to yourself Or to sustain a new routine in the face of all the old "pulls" on your time So much of what we do minute by minute, day by day, is shaped by the world around us - by our environments. By creating structures of support -carpool with friends to the gym, have lunch and swap recipes with a friend who is also changing their eating habits, join a mastermind group to brainstorm and get support - all of these can make a vital difference in your success. Or you can consider something simple like keeping the TV remote control in another room, in a locked drawer far away from the TV.
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