
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by the Candida fungus, My Cellulite Solution Review  also known as yeast. Infection from Candida is not located only in mouths but this can also be found in some parts of our body, this causes rashes in infants and infection in the vagina for women. Any person could be affected by thrush, from babies to older adults but most especially those individuals whom their immune system is weakened. Thrush treatment could be in different ways so here are several of the ways to treat the infection.

Antifungal medications are the common cure for this said infection which could be in the form of tablets, lozenges, or liquids and usually taken for 10-14 days. But this is prevented when you do the following, brush for at least twice a day and floss for at least once a day, avoid usage of mouthwash and sprays as these destroy only the normal balance of microorganisms in your mouth, visit your doctor regularly and do not smoke.

Home remedies such as yogurt is also helpful as this kill the fungus and get rid of the condition quickly. Any kind of yogurt will do but when treating thrush utilize the plain yogurt only. Drinking green tea is also good to your diet because this will not only kill the fungus but it strengthens your immune system also.

Usage of apple cider vinegar and salt water are also beneficial, if you are going to use either of these methods for thrush treatment then look up the appropriate directions. You may also want to consider using a better toothpaste such as Arm and Hammer toothpaste as it includes two very effective ingredients - baking soda and peroxide.


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