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Band Candy Hd Full Movie Download >>> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Band Candy

Genge: Action,Drama,Fantasy,Romance



















































The students must study for standardized (SAT) tests and sell candy for the school band's new uniforms, even gang members who aren't in the band, but it's concocted by mayor Richard Wilkins's partner, Mr. Trick, and his subcontractor Ethan Rayne's men. Buffy lies to everyone so she can visit Angel, who is nearly normal again, just weak. Giles and ma Joyce Summers find out they are abusedfalse alibis but just send Buffy to bed, then work out a coordinated schedule for her and become close. The spiked candy turns adults into uninhibited, irresponsible 'teenagers'. Realizing vampires should be swarming, Buffy knocks their demonic intention out of Ethan...
Adults throughout Sunnydale behave like immature teenagers after they eat cursed candy.
Band Candy

The Good; The more Joyce in an episode the better it is. She and Ripper and all the adults are just hilarious. Also lovely to see Ethan Rayne (I always figured that if Giles was to die he would reform and become Buffy's new Watcher). Love to have seen Buffy's dream but that would be probably beyond the SFX department. Altogether fabulous.

The Bad; Lurconis looks a bit lame but certainly better than the preying mantis. It rather spoils the surprise of Ethan Rayne being the villain when Robin Sach's name is in the opening titles

Best line; Buffy (as Joyce produces the cuffs) "Never tell me!"

Shot; Giles threatened with a gun and uses it on Ethan but no shots fired

Tied up; Ethan and possibly Joyce or Giles in handcuffs

Knocked out; for once Giles stays conscious but knocks out a policeman

Kinky dinky; see Tied Up. Personally I always thought that Joyce and Giles had had sex on the hood of the police car but maybe that's just me?

Calling Captain Subtext; "Wanna swap?" What a shame we never got to see an Oz/Cordy relationship (not even in any fanfic I've ever read) I mean Cordy has dated plenty of guys in bands before? Also when Xander says he wants to marry Miss Barton (always had a thing for older women) Cordy replies "Get in line!"

Guantanamo Bay; Buffy beats up Ethan for information

Questions and observations; Joyce and Giles drink that awful Khalua stuff (or however you spell it) Could Joyce be the slutty pumpkin? (a prize to whoever can recognise THAT reference!). Whoa Summers you drive like a spaz! Nice to see that Buffy isn't necessarily good at everything, always annoyed me about Xena that she was brilliant at everything even if she was a demi-god (except cooking and music but Joxer and Gabby could each do both for her). Ethan obviously has a few reservations about what he's doing to judge by his expression when Trick kills the worker. Joyce like's 70s singer Juice Newton who's big hit was interestingly "Angel of the morning". Whenever I see a green 4x4 nowadays I always think 'the Geek machine' or 'The Joyce mobile'. You do feel pity for teenage Snyder, he apparently did Tae Kwan Do which is SMG's martial art. What happens to Ethan? They tie him up but then what? You can kill vamps with a pencil? Their skin must be a lot softer than human.

Buffy refers to the 'Real World House' another modern reference she wouldn't know if she was really a mad girl in an asylum. According to the Sunnydale High Yearbook the Band Candy raised $600,000 for the band. Lovely to see Joyce and Giles take centre stage for once

What does Dawn doJoyce revisits her youth? Xander and Willow, awwww. Buffy drives without insurance or a licence. But she spends her life walking around with offensive weapons so breaking the law should come naturally to her. No Faith this week, she's not even mentioned. Love the Mayor/Trick scene at the end, once again Harry Groener is subtly threatening (not what he says, how he says it) whilst Todd Freeman gives a great performance, trying to be cool and offhand but obviously scared witless. Love the reference to Death of a Salesman.

Need you ask? 10/10
Sunnydale is in chaos thanks to cursed chocolate that makes the adults behave like reckless, irresponsible 16 year olds. This is a very funny episode of Buffy, and that's largely thanks to Giles and Joyce! Honestly, they should act like sixteen year olds more often...from running around town causing havoc to lying around smoking, listening to records, the pair hit it off like crazy and are really the driving force of the episode. Of course, the implication that they slept together iscringey for the audienceit is for Buffy, but that just makes it even funnier! It's nice that Joyce gets a piece of the action again, too (in more ways than one ;) )

Principal Snyder is also very funny, tagging along with the Scoobies in an effort to feel included - it's great to see a side of him that doesn't make me want to punch him in the face, even if he is a little on the annoying side.

Giles' old "pal" Ethan returns, which is always a good thing in my book, and my favourite part of the episode is probably when Giles is telling Buffy to punch his former friend, and then jumping up shouting "yes!" when Buffy socks Ethan in the jaw. Mr Trick is also blossoming into a fantastic villain, with the Mayor proving to be a totally different but equally exciting power at work.

Angel's appearance is brief (too brief for my liking ) but what he does say sure packs an emotional impact for poor Buffy...but is he just trying to keep her at a safe distance?

Meanwhile the Oz-Willow-Xander-Cordelia problem is developing slowly but surely, with some wonderfully timed awkwardness...what ARE we going to do with them?!

My only criticism of the episode would be the reveal of the big villainous creature...without giving too much away about it all, let's just say that the CGI isn't up to scratch at all, even in comparison to previous episodes. It could be that it's not aged very well, but regardless the creature feels a bit tacked-on, and not like much of a real threat. The episode also suffers a little because Faith isn't in it, but then I suppose there's only so much they can fit into forty minutes!

Over all this is a good episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - not a colossal game-changer but it certainly does well to set up exactly what Mr Trick and the Mayor may have planned for Buffy and Sunnydale in the not-too-distant-future...



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