
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

In a world where fast-paced living has made eating fast foods Advanced Cardio Rx Review  a priority to instant meals one has speculated, "Where does all the junk we consume goes"The heart-rending fact is that it all gets housed in our bodies, as well as our blood stream. High cholesterol affects all of the human body. Of course, there are foods that you can eat to avoid high cholesterol.

On your way to pick the kids up, you will decided to stop by your local fast food joint to pick up a cheeseburger or two and a large french fry. How often do you do that One, two, three, or four times a week. Well like a ticking time bomb, the cholesterol is rapidly counting down on your health.Foods with a lot of saturated fats should be avoided as much as possible. There needs to be balance in your diet. If you have no choice but to make these foods the primary source, you need to eat high fibre foods and foods that are full of vitamin C, such as oranges and grapefruit.

Other types of foods to avoid are foods that you probably thought that were okay for you, but internally they are really unhealthy and full of cholesterol. Yes, eating red meats is good if done in moderation. However, if you continue to eat them and do it on a more than moderate basis, it can lead to high cholesterol. Pork is high in cholesterol. Many people love to fry meats in lard. That is extremely high in cholesterol. There are foods that you need to avoid that are high in cholesterol.

Going to your local grocery store you may find all kinds of yummy looking snacks such as greasy potato chips or that big bucket of ice cream. Eating a lot of these will surely increase your cholesterol level and add some pounds. Are you still skinny eating all of this Well I have news for you, just because you are skinny and thin on the outside, does not mean that you are healthy on the inside. Here are some important factors you need to be aware of and pay strict attention to. Clogged arteries, high blood pressure, stored unwanted fat and the list goes on. High metabolism does not mean you are not high cholesterol. And if you do have high levels, you should take steps now, while you can, to reduce the bad cholesterol levels - your health depends on it.


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