Title: Arms Race - TCWE
Genre: Strategy
Alina Digital
Alina Digital
Release Date: 5 Oct, 2017
I wanted to like this game, as the concept was interesting, and while some cold war board games had been good, no good ones for the PC had been developed.
Sadly there still aren't any.
After playing several play-throughs with different styles, I found that no strategy worked for achieving victory even on the easy level, which is the only level you can play to start. Seemingly no matter which style I tried, the AI not only countered it, but was proceeding on his own play quite well. Despite having the same amount of political points each year, the same number of initial units, and equal influence, it seemed the AI economy was stronger, it could match point for point in army, army tech, space race and spies. Whichever one I didn't focus on, he went ahead, and you literally can not focus on all of them. Even if I got lucky, and global event went my way, it seemed this was only a temporary reprieve on an endless crush toward defeat. The final humiliation I suffered was a successful invasion of my home country, the "hard" game level goal, by the AI. Apparently I am so bad at the game that the AI can complete a hard game against me, while I can't win against him on easy.
I would recommend that the ability to start the game in turn-based mode be an option, since anyone who is good at the game can turn it to auto-run if they wish. I also recommend some level below easy, which gives players some advantage, so that new players can get a win under their belt. Feel free to reset the naming of these levels so that the current easy level is medium, medium is hard, and hard is ultimate or something. Nothing will lose players faster than a game they can't beat set to the lowest level.. Very weird game but I like it. It has a huge lack of diplomacy despite how the game is technically all about shadow politics. But basically the game has a lot of plates to be balancing at once. You have balance the space race, arms race, country popularity and try to destabilize foreign powers. That's probably the best aspect of this game. It's the micromanagement of many very important segments of the game.
Update 18Jan2019: Somehow this game has gotten worse. Right from the beginning when you load up there's a countdown timer. 'Game will begin in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.' Except when the countdown timer reaches 0 it will often take quite a bit longer for it to load. Easily over 20 seconds. I think one time I counted up to 45 in addition to the original start time of 5 seconds.
There have also come plenty of bugs since I last played the game on December 14, 2017. You have 3 main resources to deploy your goals in the game, diplomats, spies and military. However there are times where you can not send more diplomats, spies or military to support your efforts. You can click the button as many times as you like but it will never send more.
I assume whatever is causing these bug problems is the fault of the DLC, perhaps the game now has the DLC loaded in it but it is locked behind a paywall. Eitherway it's a constant problem of when you click on things there will be a delay between clicking it and seeing the outcome of your click. For example, clicking a button then moving your mouse somewhere else, then finally hearing the click and seeing the button be clicked on screen while your mouse is somewhere else on the map.
These bugs and glitches make the game unplayable. I'm sadly turning my recommendation for this game from a thumbs up to a thumbs down :/. Not the worst thing I've ever played, but also not the best. It's okay. Price is too high for what your really getting. Overall it's an okay time waster.. great game for the cold war era. I enjoyed this game very much. Very simple gameplay and extremely deep historical touch. True grand strategy game. Very recommended!. This game is absolute fun! Though it has some flaws, thats expected with a small company like this. Still i higly recomend this game if you like wrecking the Soviets as Richard Nixon (or vice-versa ;) )
Two days to go! Are you ready?:
Time is counting down fast! It's just two days before we release Arms Race. Here is good video for those who want to know basic what Arms Race is about.
Add game to your wish list to be first who plays it!
. Very detailed Let's Play from Broyar:
Very recommended to watch!
. First AAR for Arms Race:
Hello everybody. I have something very special to share with you today! It's my first after action report for Arms Race. I bring you this AAR because the design of Arms Race has finished. Yes, all in game features have been successfully coded and implemented into the game and well balanced. May be little adjustments to do for the balance later but it plays well already. To avoid long boring AAR text I just post my pictures and short description to it.
Also, this AAR is going to be great example to introduce you two new in game features - Global Influence effect and Global Consequences features.
So, let's start. I'm going to play as Brezhnev ( I love this guy! He is so funny to me ), in Historic mode. Historic mode means my opponent leaders will be changed in historical sequence ( not sandbox ). In the picture below you can see Brezhnev has Diplomatic suit. Brezhnev and his Diplo suit provides me with unique bonuses listed below the leader picture.
The game starts in 1950. USA-USSR score is 22 to 22 and budget is 2500 to 2500. Global influence 1301 to 1301 ( 50% to 50% ). The bigger the global influence of the leader, the bigger the Firepower bonus will be when that leader authorises a fight. All other screenshots will be taken in December at the end of each decade. You will be able to see and compare how my game has changed from one decade to another. I will avoid graphs and statistics and show you the screens with Global Consequences only. In this decade I will face militaristic Truman.
And now, let us see how the decade has changed the Soviet Union. As you can see I'm leading in Global Influence. It's 1834, 57% which provides me additional +10 Firepower to my military. It saved me lot of military resources in the past wars. Unfortunately for me, Truman managed to win different wars on the globe and our score is still even - 26 to 26. Truman was a tough guy! Luckily for me three of six global consequences events were in my favor and only one for USA.
Now we move to the 60's, where the United States have elected John F Kennedy, an economic leader, as their President. I was leading in global influence and my highest pick was around 64% ( +15 Firepower ). My budget is much bigger compared to America and it's around 6000 but Kennedy managed to go over me in one score point and it's 30 to 29 now. Luckily for me the Prague Spring global consequence event didn't happen in United States favor! I could have lost 3 score points and 300 budget wealth if Prague Spring happened in the United States favour.
In the 70's the United States have elected Richard Nixon, a diplomatic leader. It was the worse decade for the Soviets. Nixon managed to have a bigger lead in scores with 39-32, however the Soviet Union was leading in global influence and wealth. It was really hard to fight America during this decade. They had built up their military and I lost some wars just because I had no military to participate in proxy wars vs Americans.
In the 80's, the United States elected Ronald Reagan, a diplomatic leader. Reagan pressured really hard on me! He managed to keep America leading in the scores with 41-39. I got only one global consequence event to my favor which brings me an additional +10 Firepower bonus and it helped me to prevent global American military expansion. My superiority in budget helped me to keep my dominance in global influence at level of 58%
In the last in-game decade, I was struggling vs Reagan again. Americans gave up their leadership in scores only because I managed to influence Australia and India to join the Soviet bloc. It took me a really long time to do so. Both countries provided me with 3 scores ( 6 in total ). If not Australia and India I'd lost 42 to 39. Americans significantly improved their budget because of "Reorganization of oil market" event but "Crisis of the elites" pulled them down again.
My game lasted for about 1 hour 50 minutes. Play time flies really fast and is incredibly enjoyable! It was a really fun game, full of action and unpredictable surprises.
Stay tuned!
. New small 2.6 hotfix:
We have fixed small bug caused the wrong alliance change in some Global Consequences events. Special thanks to citizen5033 for reporting the bug on our forum!
For those who forgot to get the latest DLCs you can find it there -
Don't forget to add to your wishlist -
. "Mostly Positive" review scale:
Hello! I'm happy to inform you that Arms Race game gets "Mostly Positive" review scale -
http://store.steampowered.com/app/583590. Live broadcast today at 5pm (17:00) eastern american time:
Hi comrades. Today, at 5PM EDT (eastern american time) Arms Race game producer and designer Max Sprin will launch live broadcast of his game. He will play one full game, to complete second campaign mission ( 50 good scores ) in medium difficulty setting, Ironmode (turn base mode). Click this link to see broadcast - http://steamcommunity.com/app/583590/broadcasts/
Max will start hosting his room 15 minutes before the game starts.
Use this link to convert time to your timezone - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20171007T...
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