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007 - Octopussy: Operazione Piovra Download Movie Free

007 - Octopussy: Operazione Piovra Download Movie Free ->->->-> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Octopussy

Genge: Action,Adventure,Thriller



















































A fake Fabergé egg, and a fellow Agent's death, lead James Bond to uncover an international jewel-smuggling operation, headed by the mysterious Octopussy, being used to disguise a nuclear attack on N.A.T.O. forces.
Bond is sent on a mission to discover how another, dying, '00' agent crashes through the British Embassy's window with a fake Faberge egg in his hand. He discovers that its not only him thats interested in the real egg when it is put up for auction and is bought by rich exiled Afghan Prince, Kamal Khan. Bond's suspicions deepen when Kamal Khan meets with General Orlov, an insane Russian General who desires to conquer Europe as well as faking Russia's Art Treasures as Russia's Government plans to disarm its weapons. 007 discovers that both Orlov and Khan plan to blow a nuclear device in an American Air Force Base. Connecting Orlov, Khan and Bond is the beautiful but mysterious female smuggler known only as 'Octopussy' but will she help or kill Bond...
"For Your Eyes Only" was a great and darker transition for Bond into the 80s. The next film "Octopussy" is a halfway 180 in tone as the movie is half campy and half serious. But thats never bothered me as I've always had something to enjoy from this film even though there are quite a few stupid and unnecessary campy moments in the movie especially the infamous "James Bond in a clown suit scene".

The movie is a combination of the short stories "Property of a Lady" and of course "Octopussy" with an original story. A 00 agent is killed while recovering a fake Fabergé egg. Bond is sent in to investigate which leads him to India where he comes up against exiled Afgan prince Kamal Khan played by Louis Jourdan, his associate the title character Octopussy played by Maud Adams (in her second and last Bond girl role) and a Russian general "General Orlov" played by Steven Berkoff who seeks power and conquest.

Roger Moore is great as always and even though that he was 55 when doing this film he still looked great even though he wanted to retire from the role. (Plus he never seemed to age much during his tenure) Louis Jourdan and Steven Berkoff are both great with Steven being very over the top and Louis very calm and calculating. Maud Adams is much better here than she was in "The Man With The Golden Gun" as she plays a much more mature Bond girl who starts out as a villain and jewel smuggler but then falls for Bond of course. Robert Brown replaces Bernard Lee as M and would ply the role up until 1989's "Licence to Kill" and he does a good job for the most part but isn't my favorite M.

The movie is very campy, convoluted and feels more like an adventure film rather than spy thriller. Some memorable moments include a fight on the top of a moving train, the climax on board of a plane at high altitudes and much more with great old school stunt work and choreography. At least the payoff in the end is satisfying and manages to add up despite the silliness. But for what its worth, its a lot of fun but not as great as its predecessor "For Your Eyes Only". Background info - The movies Octopussy & Never Say Never Again were both made the same year, 1983, and so naturally people compare them. Moore vs. Connery. Bond vs. Bond.

The "official" movie Octopussy starts off reasonably with a decent story, but then careens off-course, and starts to feel waaaay too long. In addition, the movie moved from semi-realistic portrayal of a spy to a cartoonish, unbelievable farse.

For example in the final scene, Bond is riding an airplane at 100 miles an hour (impossible---the wind would blow him off), using his feet to force the plane to ground, and then jumping off at some 60 miles an hour (again impossible---try jumping out of your car---you'd end up with a shattered body). How is that octopussy scene supposed to be "good" in any sense of the word?

Prior to this movie Bond was just a human being with skills. Now suddenly he's got super-human strength & a titanium body. And he does all these stunts at the ancient age of 56??? Complete crap. Unbelievable. Farse.

---> Now let's contrast the above scene with Connery's "unofficial" Never Say Never Again: The movie starts off with Bond showing his age (he is 50 after all) and being sent off for recuperation. Entirely believable. But of course, there's no such thing as a "day off" for a world-famous spy, and Bond quickly finds himself a target, even inside the hospital. From that point the story spins off into another adventure, with Bond trying to locate his attempted killers and ultimately foiling an attempt to steal nuclear weapons.

As usual Sean Connery did a brilliant job, and avoids the over-the-top/unbelievable stunts. This movie feels like a natural successor to Connery's last film, 1971's Diamonds Are Forever... the old style of Bond... before the franchise got silly.

BOTTOM lINE: Given the choice between purchasing these two 1983 movies, I'd choose the Connery film. Octopussy was a cartoonish farse.

troy One for the die hards. The saving grace here is a knowing sense of humour so lacking in its predecessor, For Your Eyes Only.
When British agent 009 turns up dead holding a fake Faberge egg, MI6 director M (Robert Brown) sends 007 James Bond (Roger Moore) to follow the path of the real Faberge egg, which is currently being auctioned at Sotheby's Auction House in London. That path leads to an international smuggling operation, headed by a beautiful jewel smuggler known only as Octopussy (Maud Adams) along with exiled Afghani Prince Kamal Khan (Louis Jourdan), whom Bond observes meeting with renegade Russian General Orlov (Steven Berkoff) and planning to detonate a nuclear bomb at a U.S. Air Force Base in West Germany in hopes of forcing Europe into unilateral disarmament, leaving the borders open to Soviet invasion. All of the James Bond movies are based, in some part, upon novels by British author Ian Fleming [1908-1964]. The title Octopussy comes from Fleming's posthumous collection of short stories in Octopussy and The Living Daylights (1966). However, very little of the short story "Octopussy" is featured in the film. The short story "Octopussy" deals with Bond and a character called Major Dexter-Smythe. This character turns out to be the father of Octopussy who, in one scene, recaps the events of the original short story to Bond. The scenes where Bond is bidding on the Fabergé egg at auction are taken from "Property of a Lady." This title is referenced in the catalog announcing the sale of the egg. The remainder of the film is an original story crafted by the screenwriters although some elements, such as Gobinda (Kabir Bedi)'s crushing of the dice, are clearly inspired by events in earlier Bond films. Unlike most previous Bond movies, Octopussy does not have a true title song. The song that plays during the opening and closing credits is All Time High, sung by American singer, Rita Coolidge. However, a phrase from the song, "...we're two of a kind..." is used in the movie when Octopussy tells Bond that she and he are "two of a kind" and Bond agrees. Following the death of Bernard Lee, who played the role of M in previous Bond movies, Brown took over the role for Octopussy. Some fans have speculated that Brown is playing a different character, promoted to the position of M; perhaps Admiral Hargreaves, the character Brown played in The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) (1977). M is the head of British intelligence in Fleming's novels (a reference to the real-life chief of the Secret Intelligence Service who is known as C, short for Cumming, as in Sir Mansfield Smith-Cumming, the first chief of SIS). M's full name is Admiral Sir Miles Messervey, K.C.M.G. Author Gary Giblin (James Bond's London) interviewed Octopussy director John Glen who confirmed that Brown was playing Lee's character M, not someone promoted to the position of M, and that only he and Brown would have remembered the character of Admiral Hargreaves anyway! The movie opens in an undisclosed Latin American country (presumably Cuba) where Bond is finishing a mission that has no relation to the rest of the movie. Bond is next seen in London where he is being briefed in the death of 009 in East Berlin. Because M suspects Russian involvement in both the death of 009 and the sale of the Fabergé egg, Bond is ordered to follow Kamal to Delhi, India in order to find out why he wants the egg so badly. When Bond hears that Orlov and Kamal are planning to meet at Karl-Marx-Stadt in East Berlin, it's off to Germany. In the finale, Bond returns to India just in time to save Octopussy. As Bond describes it, a Fabergé egg is "one of the jeweled eggs made by Carl Fabergé as an Easter gift for the Russian royal family. They're priceless and very rare." Each year between 1885 and 1894, Russian jeweler Carl Fabergé [1846-1920] fashioned a jeweled egg for Czar Alexander III to give to his wife, the Empress Maria. The practice continued with the next Czar, Nicholas II, who ordered two eggs each year, one for his mother and one for his wife Alexandra, until his abdication in 1917. All totaled, Fabergé fashioned 105 eggs, of which only 69 are known to still exist. Kamal is a cog in a network that smuggles priceless treasures out of Russia. He employs jewelers that create well-crafted replicas of the pieces. The thefts of the real items are accomplished by General Orlov, who steals the items from the Soviet Fine Art Repository and then replaces them with the fakes. Orlov does not know that 009 managed to get the fake egg to the British ambassador and believes that it was lost when 009 fell into a river, so now there is no replacement egg for the real one about to be auctioned. With no time to fashion another replacement before a scheduled inventory of the Repository, Orlov orders Kamal to buy back the real egg at any price. The path of the eggs goes like this: 009 steals the fake egg and is killed for it, but, before he dies, he gets the fake egg to the British ambassador in East Berlin who sends it on to MI6. The real egg goes on auction at Sotheby's, where Bond switches the fake egg for the real one, causing Kamal to unknowingly buy the fake egg. Bond follows Kamal to Delhi, taking the real egg with him and using it for security in a game of Backgammon with Kamal. Kamal's accomplice, Magda (Kristina Wayborn), steals back the real egg from Bond. Of course, Bond knows that she has stolen the real egg, but he says nothing because he Q installed a homing device in it. Magda returns it to Kamal, who is now in possession of both the fake and the real egg. Kamal then gives the real egg to Orlov who smashes it, believing it to be a fake. They are the forgers Kamal used to create the fake Romanov jewels. Bond overhears Orlov say "Can you trust them?" and Khan says he can assure Orlov of their silence (it's very quiet). They are followed off screen by Gobinda, who killed them or had them killed and hung them in the freezer. In the morning, they are thrown into a ditch for the tigers to dispose of them (though Bond takes the place of one). Although she makes a brief appearance (her back only) in the first half of the movie, Octopussy's face isn't seen until the second half. Octopussy is one of Kamal's accomplices. She owns a traveling international circus, and she uses it to help Kamal smuggle various jewels and treasures across the Soviet border into the Western world. She lives on a floating palace in Delhi. No one knows her real name. She got the name Octopussy from her father, Major Dexter-Smythe, who studied octopi. She uses a picture of a blue-ringed octopus as the icon for her Order of the Octopus and as tattoos on the women she employs as bandits, smugglers, and guards. Bond was responsible for the capture of her father, Smythe, 20 years ago, after he was suspected of stealing a cache of Chinese gold and killing his partner. However, Bond gave Smythe 24 hours to settle his affairs. Smythe used those 24 hours to commit suicide and avoid the disgrace of a court martial. Instead of revenge when she finally meets Bond, Octopussy thanks him for giving her father an honorable way out of his predicament. Among much fanfare, the circus train arrives at U.S. Air Force base in Feldstadt, West Germany at 2:20 and sets up for a show. The nuclear bomb in the Human Cannonball's cannon is set to go off at 3:45. Bond hitches a ride to the nearest town, then steals a car, and, with the politzei in hot pursuit, makes it to the base at 3:15, passing Kamal and Gobinda going in the opposite direction. With 5 minutes to spare, Bond dons a clown suit and walks into the main tent where the Human Cannonball's act is being announced. With 90 seconds to spare, he tries to convince the U.S. General that there is a bomb in the cannon, but the General just laughs, thinking that it's part of the act. Bond grabs an axe and tries to break the lock on the bomb, but the polizei overpower him. With 14 seconds to go, Octopussy suddenly steps forward and shoots off the lock. Bond is able to disarm the bomb just as it reaches 0. Shortly thereafter, back in India, Octopussy and Magda plot to avenge Kamal's betrayal, his having left them to die in the explosion. Octopussy's Octopus girls raid the Monsoon Palace, while Octopussy confronts Kamal. He tries to tell her that he was betrayed by Orlov and didn't know anything about the bomb. He then knocks out her down. She tries to escape but is knocked unconscious by Gobinda. When she regains consciousness, she is in Kamal's private plane. Having joined the raid in Q's hot air balloon, Bond follows the airplane and manages, while on horseback, to leap onto the tail just as the plane takes off. With the plane airborne, Bond inches forward on top the plane, Kamal all the while trying to knock him off by flying in rolls and loops. When Bond knocks out one of the plane's two engines, Kamal sends Gobinda out to kill Bond, but Bond knocks Gobinda to his death. He then gets into the cabin. Kamal begins to lose control of the plane and tries to land. As the plane skids along the ground, Bond and Octopussy jump off, just as the plane goes over a cliff and crashes. In the final scenes, Soviet General Gogol (Walter Gotell) asks M for the return of the Romanov star, while Bond recuperates in bed with Octopussy on her barge. Including Octopussy, Moore made seven movies in which he played James Bond: Live and Let Die (1973) (1973), The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) (1974), The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) (1977), Moonraker (1979) (1979), For Your Eyes Only (1981) (1981), Octopussy (1983), and A View to a Kill (1985) (1985).



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