
Chinese Association of Idaho State University (CAISU)

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Most STDs are contracted from recreational sex. God, Biblically speaking, instructed us to have "procreational" sex, but as hypocrites (to God) and loyal imps of the Adversary and his Matrix, we love to pursue and engage in recreational sex. Recreational sex is "wreck creational" (to wreck creation) and that's exactly what we are and have been foolishly doing - WRECKING God's creation, especially when you women and girls get pregnant and run to the butcher shop and get an abortion (infanticide), that many of us males are the cause (and financiers) of. I'll cover abortions and miscarriages in detail in a future article. However, you pay a hidden price for these government-approved acts of legalized murder euphemistically called "abortion" that I will pull your coat tail to (expose, bring to light).

The Adversary's Matrix keeps us ignorant and unconscious to our lower nature and manipulates us through the imbalances of our lower charkas, especially the root chakra (located at the genitals) and the sacral chakra (located under the belly button). Why do you think its high fashion today for women to wear shirts (blouses) that Combat Shooter System Review reveal their belly buttons? By all means am not I telling any woman to stop wearing blouses or even the most revealing clothes. Djehuty is pro freedom, liberation and choice. You do what you want to do. I'm just asking the question "do you know why you're doing what you do?" Do you know the science behind your fashion, styles, and habits? Do you know why you are piercing your belly buttons today? Do you know what the metals (gold, silver) do to your energy (including your sexual energy) and your sacral chakra? I'm simply asking a question!

Concurring with Author Stewart A. Swerdlow, blatant sexuality is all around us, from fashion to media to everyday speech. This sexuality is a deep, bright red that essentially pulls on your sexual charkas and opens them up. Using color, tone, and archetype (or symbol), these sexual chakras are systematically opened, fed, and energized, expanding them out of proportion until they have control over you. Then you are controlled and manipulated through these chakras." But when certain people like myself suggest the use of earth's crystals and gemstones that are naturally red in color and substance which balances and protects the sexual charkas, I'm called a diviner or a practitioner of divination, an occultist, etc.

Your religious leaders and institutions and the public fool (school) system have failed to teach you the metaphysics and metaphysical aspects of life that the Adversary uses against you. Do you deny the sexual perversity, decadence, immorality (fornication and adultery) that takes place in your religious institution or settings, even amongst the officials and leaders? Why do you think sex is so out of control today, but at the same time it's used to control society (fear of contracting AIDS or STDs, fear of getting pregnant, etc.)?


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